LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - src - init.cpp (source / functions) Coverage Total Hit
Test: Lines: 22.3 % 1060 236
Test Date: 2024-12-11 17:51:26 Functions: 6.8 % 44 3
Branches: 15.7 % 3218 505

             Branch data     Line data    Source code
       1                 :             : // Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Satoshi Nakamoto
       2                 :             : // Copyright (c) 2009-2022 The Bitcoin Core developers
       3                 :             : // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
       4                 :             : // file COPYING or
       5                 :             : 
       6                 :             : #include <bitcoin-build-config.h> // IWYU pragma: keep
       7                 :             : 
       8                 :             : #include <init.h>
       9                 :             : 
      10                 :             : #include <kernel/checks.h>
      11                 :             : 
      12                 :             : #include <addrman.h>
      13                 :             : #include <banman.h>
      14                 :             : #include <blockfilter.h>
      15                 :             : #include <chain.h>
      16                 :             : #include <chainparams.h>
      17                 :             : #include <chainparamsbase.h>
      18                 :             : #include <clientversion.h>
      19                 :             : #include <common/args.h>
      20                 :             : #include <common/system.h>
      21                 :             : #include <consensus/amount.h>
      22                 :             : #include <deploymentstatus.h>
      23                 :             : #include <hash.h>
      24                 :             : #include <httprpc.h>
      25                 :             : #include <httpserver.h>
      26                 :             : #include <index/blockfilterindex.h>
      27                 :             : #include <index/coinstatsindex.h>
      28                 :             : #include <index/txindex.h>
      29                 :             : #include <init/common.h>
      30                 :             : #include <interfaces/chain.h>
      31                 :             : #include <interfaces/init.h>
      32                 :             : #include <interfaces/ipc.h>
      33                 :             : #include <interfaces/mining.h>
      34                 :             : #include <interfaces/node.h>
      35                 :             : #include <kernel/context.h>
      36                 :             : #include <key.h>
      37                 :             : #include <logging.h>
      38                 :             : #include <mapport.h>
      39                 :             : #include <net.h>
      40                 :             : #include <net_permissions.h>
      41                 :             : #include <net_processing.h>
      42                 :             : #include <netbase.h>
      43                 :             : #include <netgroup.h>
      44                 :             : #include <node/blockmanager_args.h>
      45                 :             : #include <node/blockstorage.h>
      46                 :             : #include <node/caches.h>
      47                 :             : #include <node/chainstate.h>
      48                 :             : #include <node/chainstatemanager_args.h>
      49                 :             : #include <node/context.h>
      50                 :             : #include <node/interface_ui.h>
      51                 :             : #include <node/kernel_notifications.h>
      52                 :             : #include <node/mempool_args.h>
      53                 :             : #include <node/mempool_persist.h>
      54                 :             : #include <node/mempool_persist_args.h>
      55                 :             : #include <node/miner.h>
      56                 :             : #include <node/peerman_args.h>
      57                 :             : #include <policy/feerate.h>
      58                 :             : #include <policy/fees.h>
      59                 :             : #include <policy/fees_args.h>
      60                 :             : #include <policy/policy.h>
      61                 :             : #include <policy/settings.h>
      62                 :             : #include <protocol.h>
      63                 :             : #include <rpc/blockchain.h>
      64                 :             : #include <rpc/register.h>
      65                 :             : #include <rpc/server.h>
      66                 :             : #include <rpc/util.h>
      67                 :             : #include <scheduler.h>
      68                 :             : #include <script/sigcache.h>
      69                 :             : #include <sync.h>
      70                 :             : #include <torcontrol.h>
      71                 :             : #include <txdb.h>
      72                 :             : #include <txmempool.h>
      73                 :             : #include <util/asmap.h>
      74                 :             : #include <util/batchpriority.h>
      75                 :             : #include <util/chaintype.h>
      76                 :             : #include <util/check.h>
      77                 :             : #include <util/fs.h>
      78                 :             : #include <util/fs_helpers.h>
      79                 :             : #include <util/moneystr.h>
      80                 :             : #include <util/result.h>
      81                 :             : #include <util/signalinterrupt.h>
      82                 :             : #include <util/strencodings.h>
      83                 :             : #include <util/string.h>
      84                 :             : #include <util/syserror.h>
      85                 :             : #include <util/thread.h>
      86                 :             : #include <util/threadnames.h>
      87                 :             : #include <util/time.h>
      88                 :             : #include <util/translation.h>
      89                 :             : #include <validation.h>
      90                 :             : #include <validationinterface.h>
      91                 :             : #include <walletinitinterface.h>
      92                 :             : 
      93                 :             : #include <algorithm>
      94                 :             : #include <condition_variable>
      95                 :             : #include <cstdint>
      96                 :             : #include <cstdio>
      97                 :             : #include <fstream>
      98                 :             : #include <functional>
      99                 :             : #include <set>
     100                 :             : #include <string>
     101                 :             : #include <thread>
     102                 :             : #include <vector>
     103                 :             : 
     104                 :             : #ifndef WIN32
     105                 :             : #include <cerrno>
     106                 :             : #include <signal.h>
     107                 :             : #include <sys/stat.h>
     108                 :             : #endif
     109                 :             : 
     110                 :             : #include <boost/signals2/signal.hpp>
     111                 :             : 
     112                 :             : #ifdef ENABLE_ZMQ
     113                 :             : #include <zmq/zmqabstractnotifier.h>
     114                 :             : #include <zmq/zmqnotificationinterface.h>
     115                 :             : #include <zmq/zmqrpc.h>
     116                 :             : #endif
     117                 :             : 
     118                 :             : using common::AmountErrMsg;
     119                 :             : using common::InvalidPortErrMsg;
     120                 :             : using common::ResolveErrMsg;
     121                 :             : 
     122                 :             : using node::ApplyArgsManOptions;
     123                 :             : using node::BlockManager;
     124                 :             : using node::CacheSizes;
     125                 :             : using node::CalculateCacheSizes;
     126                 :             : using node::ChainstateLoadResult;
     127                 :             : using node::ChainstateLoadStatus;
     128                 :             : using node::DEFAULT_PERSIST_MEMPOOL;
     129                 :             : using node::DEFAULT_PRINT_MODIFIED_FEE;
     130                 :             : using node::DEFAULT_STOPATHEIGHT;
     131                 :             : using node::DumpMempool;
     132                 :             : using node::ImportBlocks;
     133                 :             : using node::KernelNotifications;
     134                 :             : using node::LoadChainstate;
     135                 :             : using node::LoadMempool;
     136                 :             : using node::MempoolPath;
     137                 :             : using node::NodeContext;
     138                 :             : using node::ShouldPersistMempool;
     139                 :             : using node::VerifyLoadedChainstate;
     140                 :             : using util::Join;
     141                 :             : using util::ReplaceAll;
     142                 :             : using util::ToString;
     143                 :             : 
     144                 :             : static constexpr bool DEFAULT_PROXYRANDOMIZE{true};
     145                 :             : static constexpr bool DEFAULT_REST_ENABLE{false};
     146                 :             : static constexpr bool DEFAULT_I2P_ACCEPT_INCOMING{true};
     147                 :             : static constexpr bool DEFAULT_STOPAFTERBLOCKIMPORT{false};
     148                 :             : 
     149                 :             : #ifdef WIN32
     150                 :             : // Win32 LevelDB doesn't use filedescriptors, and the ones used for
     151                 :             : // accessing block files don't count towards the fd_set size limit
     152                 :             : // anyway.
     153                 :             : #define MIN_LEVELDB_FDS 0
     154                 :             : #else
     155                 :             : #define MIN_LEVELDB_FDS 150
     156                 :             : #endif
     157                 :             : 
     158                 :             : static constexpr int MIN_CORE_FDS = MIN_LEVELDB_FDS + NUM_FDS_MESSAGE_CAPTURE;
     159                 :             : static const char* DEFAULT_ASMAP_FILENAME="";
     160                 :             : 
     161                 :             : /**
     162                 :             :  * The PID file facilities.
     163                 :             :  */
     164                 :             : static const char* BITCOIN_PID_FILENAME = "";
     165                 :             : /**
     166                 :             :  * True if this process has created a PID file.
     167                 :             :  * Used to determine whether we should remove the PID file on shutdown.
     168                 :             :  */
     169                 :             : static bool g_generated_pid{false};
     170                 :             : 
     171                 :           0 : static fs::path GetPidFile(const ArgsManager& args)
     172                 :             : {
     173   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :     return AbsPathForConfigVal(args, args.GetPathArg("-pid", BITCOIN_PID_FILENAME));
                   #  # ]
     174                 :             : }
     175                 :             : 
     176                 :           0 : [[nodiscard]] static bool CreatePidFile(const ArgsManager& args)
     177                 :             : {
     178   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :     if (args.IsArgNegated("-pid")) return true;
     179                 :             : 
     180         [ #  # ]:           0 :     std::ofstream file{GetPidFile(args)};
     181         [ #  # ]:           0 :     if (file) {
     182                 :             : #ifdef WIN32
     183                 :             :         tfm::format(file, "%d\n", GetCurrentProcessId());
     184                 :             : #else
     185         [ #  # ]:           0 :         tfm::format(file, "%d\n", getpid());
     186                 :             : #endif
     187                 :           0 :         g_generated_pid = true;
     188                 :           0 :         return true;
     189                 :             :     } else {
     190   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :         return InitError(strprintf(_("Unable to create the PID file '%s': %s"), fs::PathToString(GetPidFile(args)), SysErrorString(errno)));
          #  #  #  #  #  
                      # ]
     191                 :             :     }
     192                 :           0 : }
     193                 :             : 
     194                 :           0 : static void RemovePidFile(const ArgsManager& args)
     195                 :             : {
     196         [ #  # ]:           0 :     if (!g_generated_pid) return;
     197                 :           0 :     const auto pid_path{GetPidFile(args)};
     198         [ #  # ]:           0 :     if (std::error_code error; !fs::remove(pid_path, error)) {
     199   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :         std::string msg{error ? error.message() : "File does not exist"};
                   #  # ]
     200   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :         LogPrintf("Unable to remove PID file (%s): %s\n", fs::PathToString(pid_path), msg);
     201                 :           0 :     }
     202                 :           0 : }
     203                 :             : 
     204                 :             : static std::optional<util::SignalInterrupt> g_shutdown;
     205                 :             : 
     206                 :           0 : void InitContext(NodeContext& node)
     207                 :             : {
     208         [ #  # ]:           0 :     assert(!g_shutdown);
     209                 :           0 :     g_shutdown.emplace();
     210                 :             : 
     211                 :           0 :     node.args = &gArgs;
     212                 :           0 :     node.shutdown_signal = &*g_shutdown;
     213                 :           0 :     node.shutdown_request = [&node] {
     214         [ #  # ]:           0 :         assert(node.shutdown_signal);
     215         [ #  # ]:           0 :         if (!(*node.shutdown_signal)()) return false;
     216                 :             :         // Wake any threads that may be waiting for the tip to change.
     217   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :         if (node.notifications) WITH_LOCK(node.notifications->m_tip_block_mutex, node.notifications->m_tip_block_cv.notify_all());
     218                 :             :         return true;
     219                 :           0 :     };
     220                 :           0 : }
     221                 :             : 
     222                 :             : //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     223                 :             : //
     224                 :             : // Shutdown
     225                 :             : //
     226                 :             : 
     227                 :             : //
     228                 :             : // Thread management and startup/shutdown:
     229                 :             : //
     230                 :             : // The network-processing threads are all part of a thread group
     231                 :             : // created by AppInit() or the Qt main() function.
     232                 :             : //
     233                 :             : // A clean exit happens when the SignalInterrupt object is triggered, which
     234                 :             : // makes the main thread's SignalInterrupt::wait() call return, and join all
     235                 :             : // other ongoing threads in the thread group to the main thread.
     236                 :             : // Shutdown() is then called to clean up database connections, and stop other
     237                 :             : // threads that should only be stopped after the main network-processing
     238                 :             : // threads have exited.
     239                 :             : //
     240                 :             : // Shutdown for Qt is very similar, only it uses a QTimer to detect
     241                 :             : // ShutdownRequested() getting set, and then does the normal Qt
     242                 :             : // shutdown thing.
     243                 :             : //
     244                 :             : 
     245                 :           0 : bool ShutdownRequested(node::NodeContext& node)
     246                 :             : {
     247                 :           0 :     return bool{*Assert(node.shutdown_signal)};
     248                 :             : }
     249                 :             : 
     250                 :             : #if HAVE_SYSTEM
     251                 :           0 : static void ShutdownNotify(const ArgsManager& args)
     252                 :             : {
     253                 :           0 :     std::vector<std::thread> threads;
     254   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :     for (const auto& cmd : args.GetArgs("-shutdownnotify")) {
                   #  # ]
     255         [ #  # ]:           0 :         threads.emplace_back(runCommand, cmd);
     256                 :           0 :     }
     257         [ #  # ]:           0 :     for (auto& t : threads) {
     258         [ #  # ]:           0 :         t.join();
     259                 :             :     }
     260                 :           0 : }
     261                 :             : #endif
     262                 :             : 
     263                 :           0 : void Interrupt(NodeContext& node)
     264                 :             : {
     265                 :             : #if HAVE_SYSTEM
     266                 :           0 :     ShutdownNotify(*node.args);
     267                 :             : #endif
     268                 :           0 :     InterruptHTTPServer();
     269                 :           0 :     InterruptHTTPRPC();
     270                 :           0 :     InterruptRPC();
     271                 :           0 :     InterruptREST();
     272                 :           0 :     InterruptTorControl();
     273                 :           0 :     InterruptMapPort();
     274         [ #  # ]:           0 :     if (node.connman)
     275                 :           0 :         node.connman->Interrupt();
     276         [ #  # ]:           0 :     for (auto* index : node.indexes) {
     277                 :           0 :         index->Interrupt();
     278                 :             :     }
     279                 :           0 : }
     280                 :             : 
     281                 :           0 : void Shutdown(NodeContext& node)
     282                 :             : {
     283   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :     static Mutex g_shutdown_mutex;
     284                 :           0 :     TRY_LOCK(g_shutdown_mutex, lock_shutdown);
     285         [ #  # ]:           0 :     if (!lock_shutdown) return;
     286         [ #  # ]:           0 :     LogPrintf("%s: In progress...\n", __func__);
     287         [ #  # ]:           0 :     Assert(node.args);
     288                 :             : 
     289                 :             :     /// Note: Shutdown() must be able to handle cases in which initialization failed part of the way,
     290                 :             :     /// for example if the data directory was found to be locked.
     291                 :             :     /// Be sure that anything that writes files or flushes caches only does this if the respective
     292                 :             :     /// module was initialized.
     293   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :     util::ThreadRename("shutoff");
     294   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :     if (node.mempool) node.mempool->AddTransactionsUpdated(1);
     295                 :             : 
     296         [ #  # ]:           0 :     StopHTTPRPC();
     297         [ #  # ]:           0 :     StopREST();
     298         [ #  # ]:           0 :     StopRPC();
     299         [ #  # ]:           0 :     StopHTTPServer();
     300         [ #  # ]:           0 :     for (const auto& client : node.chain_clients) {
     301         [ #  # ]:           0 :         client->flush();
     302                 :             :     }
     303         [ #  # ]:           0 :     StopMapPort();
     304                 :             : 
     305                 :             :     // Because these depend on each-other, we make sure that neither can be
     306                 :             :     // using the other before destroying them.
     307   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :     if (node.peerman && node.validation_signals) node.validation_signals->UnregisterValidationInterface(node.peerman.get());
                   #  # ]
     308   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :     if (node.connman) node.connman->Stop();
     309                 :             : 
     310         [ #  # ]:           0 :     StopTorControl();
     311                 :             : 
     312   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :     if (node.background_init_thread.joinable()) node.background_init_thread.join();
     313                 :             :     // After everything has been shut down, but before things get flushed, stop the
     314                 :             :     // the scheduler. After this point, SyncWithValidationInterfaceQueue() should not be called anymore
     315                 :             :     // as this would prevent the shutdown from completing.
     316   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :     if (node.scheduler) node.scheduler->stop();
     317                 :             : 
     318                 :             :     // After the threads that potentially access these pointers have been stopped,
     319                 :             :     // destruct and reset all to nullptr.
     320         [ #  # ]:           0 :     node.peerman.reset();
     321         [ #  # ]:           0 :     node.connman.reset();
     322         [ #  # ]:           0 :     node.banman.reset();
     323         [ #  # ]:           0 :     node.addrman.reset();
     324         [ #  # ]:           0 :     node.netgroupman.reset();
     325                 :             : 
     326   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :     if (node.mempool && node.mempool->GetLoadTried() && ShouldPersistMempool(*node.args)) {
          #  #  #  #  #  
                      # ]
     327   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :         DumpMempool(*node.mempool, MempoolPath(*node.args));
     328                 :             :     }
     329                 :             : 
     330                 :             :     // Drop transactions we were still watching, record fee estimations and unregister
     331                 :             :     // fee estimator from validation interface.
     332         [ #  # ]:           0 :     if (node.fee_estimator) {
     333         [ #  # ]:           0 :         node.fee_estimator->Flush();
     334         [ #  # ]:           0 :         if (node.validation_signals) {
     335         [ #  # ]:           0 :             node.validation_signals->UnregisterValidationInterface(node.fee_estimator.get());
     336                 :             :         }
     337                 :             :     }
     338                 :             : 
     339                 :             :     // FlushStateToDisk generates a ChainStateFlushed callback, which we should avoid missing
     340         [ #  # ]:           0 :     if (node.chainman) {
     341         [ #  # ]:           0 :         LOCK(cs_main);
     342   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :         for (Chainstate* chainstate : node.chainman->GetAll()) {
     343         [ #  # ]:           0 :             if (chainstate->CanFlushToDisk()) {
     344         [ #  # ]:           0 :                 chainstate->ForceFlushStateToDisk();
     345                 :             :             }
     346         [ #  # ]:           0 :         }
     347                 :           0 :     }
     348                 :             : 
     349                 :             :     // After there are no more peers/RPC left to give us new data which may generate
     350                 :             :     // CValidationInterface callbacks, flush them...
     351   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :     if (node.validation_signals) node.validation_signals->FlushBackgroundCallbacks();
     352                 :             : 
     353                 :             :     // Stop and delete all indexes only after flushing background callbacks.
     354   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :     for (auto* index : node.indexes) index->Stop();
     355         [ #  # ]:           0 :     if (g_txindex) g_txindex.reset();
     356         [ #  # ]:           0 :     if (g_coin_stats_index) g_coin_stats_index.reset();
     357         [ #  # ]:           0 :     DestroyAllBlockFilterIndexes();
     358         [ #  # ]:           0 :     node.indexes.clear(); // all instances are nullptr now
     359                 :             : 
     360                 :             :     // Any future callbacks will be dropped. This should absolutely be safe - if
     361                 :             :     // missing a callback results in an unrecoverable situation, unclean shutdown
     362                 :             :     // would too. The only reason to do the above flushes is to let the wallet catch
     363                 :             :     // up with our current chain to avoid any strange pruning edge cases and make
     364                 :             :     // next startup faster by avoiding rescan.
     365                 :             : 
     366         [ #  # ]:           0 :     if (node.chainman) {
     367         [ #  # ]:           0 :         LOCK(cs_main);
     368   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :         for (Chainstate* chainstate : node.chainman->GetAll()) {
     369         [ #  # ]:           0 :             if (chainstate->CanFlushToDisk()) {
     370         [ #  # ]:           0 :                 chainstate->ForceFlushStateToDisk();
     371                 :           0 :                 chainstate->ResetCoinsViews();
     372                 :             :             }
     373         [ #  # ]:           0 :         }
     374                 :           0 :     }
     375         [ #  # ]:           0 :     for (const auto& client : node.chain_clients) {
     376         [ #  # ]:           0 :         client->stop();
     377                 :             :     }
     378                 :             : 
     379                 :             : #ifdef ENABLE_ZMQ
     380                 :             :     if (g_zmq_notification_interface) {
     381                 :             :         if (node.validation_signals) node.validation_signals->UnregisterValidationInterface(g_zmq_notification_interface.get());
     382                 :             :         g_zmq_notification_interface.reset();
     383                 :             :     }
     384                 :             : #endif
     385                 :             : 
     386                 :           0 :     node.chain_clients.clear();
     387         [ #  # ]:           0 :     if (node.validation_signals) {
     388         [ #  # ]:           0 :         node.validation_signals->UnregisterAllValidationInterfaces();
     389                 :             :     }
     390         [ #  # ]:           0 :     node.mempool.reset();
     391         [ #  # ]:           0 :     node.fee_estimator.reset();
     392         [ #  # ]:           0 :     node.chainman.reset();
     393         [ #  # ]:           0 :     node.validation_signals.reset();
     394         [ #  # ]:           0 :     node.scheduler.reset();
     395         [ #  # ]:           0 :     node.ecc_context.reset();
     396         [ #  # ]:           0 :     node.kernel.reset();
     397                 :             : 
     398         [ #  # ]:           0 :     RemovePidFile(*node.args);
     399                 :             : 
     400         [ #  # ]:           0 :     LogPrintf("%s: done\n", __func__);
     401                 :           0 : }
     402                 :             : 
     403                 :             : /**
     404                 :             :  * Signal handlers are very limited in what they are allowed to do.
     405                 :             :  * The execution context the handler is invoked in is not guaranteed,
     406                 :             :  * so we restrict handler operations to just touching variables:
     407                 :             :  */
     408                 :             : #ifndef WIN32
     409                 :           0 : static void HandleSIGTERM(int)
     410                 :             : {
     411                 :             :     // Return value is intentionally ignored because there is not a better way
     412                 :             :     // of handling this failure in a signal handler.
     413                 :           0 :     (void)(*Assert(g_shutdown))();
     414                 :           0 : }
     415                 :             : 
     416                 :           0 : static void HandleSIGHUP(int)
     417                 :             : {
     418                 :           0 :     LogInstance().m_reopen_file = true;
     419                 :           0 : }
     420                 :             : #else
     421                 :             : static BOOL WINAPI consoleCtrlHandler(DWORD dwCtrlType)
     422                 :             : {
     423                 :             :     if (!(*Assert(g_shutdown))()) {
     424                 :             :         LogError("Failed to send shutdown signal on Ctrl-C\n");
     425                 :             :         return false;
     426                 :             :     }
     427                 :             :     Sleep(INFINITE);
     428                 :             :     return true;
     429                 :             : }
     430                 :             : #endif
     431                 :             : 
     432                 :             : #ifndef WIN32
     433                 :           0 : static void registerSignalHandler(int signal, void(*handler)(int))
     434                 :             : {
     435                 :           0 :     struct sigaction sa;
     436                 :           0 :     sa.sa_handler = handler;
     437                 :           0 :     sigemptyset(&sa.sa_mask);
     438                 :           0 :     sa.sa_flags = 0;
     439                 :           0 :     sigaction(signal, &sa, nullptr);
     440                 :           0 : }
     441                 :             : #endif
     442                 :             : 
     443                 :        1653 : void SetupServerArgs(ArgsManager& argsman, bool can_listen_ipc)
     444                 :             : {
     445                 :        1653 :     SetupHelpOptions(argsman);
     446   [ +  -  +  - ]:        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-help-debug", "Print help message with debugging options and exit", ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::DEBUG_TEST); // server-only for now
     447                 :             : 
     448                 :        1653 :     init::AddLoggingArgs(argsman);
     449                 :             : 
     450                 :        1653 :     const auto defaultBaseParams = CreateBaseChainParams(ChainType::MAIN);
     451         [ +  - ]:        1653 :     const auto testnetBaseParams = CreateBaseChainParams(ChainType::TESTNET);
     452         [ +  - ]:        1653 :     const auto testnet4BaseParams = CreateBaseChainParams(ChainType::TESTNET4);
     453         [ +  - ]:        1653 :     const auto signetBaseParams = CreateBaseChainParams(ChainType::SIGNET);
     454         [ +  - ]:        1653 :     const auto regtestBaseParams = CreateBaseChainParams(ChainType::REGTEST);
     455         [ +  - ]:        1653 :     const auto defaultChainParams = CreateChainParams(argsman, ChainType::MAIN);
     456         [ +  - ]:        1653 :     const auto testnetChainParams = CreateChainParams(argsman, ChainType::TESTNET);
     457         [ +  - ]:        1653 :     const auto testnet4ChainParams = CreateChainParams(argsman, ChainType::TESTNET4);
     458         [ +  - ]:        1653 :     const auto signetChainParams = CreateChainParams(argsman, ChainType::SIGNET);
     459         [ +  - ]:        1653 :     const auto regtestChainParams = CreateChainParams(argsman, ChainType::REGTEST);
     460                 :             : 
     461                 :             :     // Hidden Options
     462                 :        1653 :     std::vector<std::string> hidden_args = {
     463                 :             :         "-dbcrashratio", "-forcecompactdb",
     464                 :             :         // GUI args. These will be overwritten by SetupUIArgs for the GUI
     465         [ +  - ]:        1653 :         "-choosedatadir", "-lang=<lang>", "-min", "-resetguisettings", "-splash", "-uiplatform"};
     466                 :             : 
     467   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-version", "Print version and exit", ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::OPTIONS);
                   +  - ]
     468                 :             : #if HAVE_SYSTEM
     469   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-alertnotify=<cmd>", "Execute command when an alert is raised (%s in cmd is replaced by message)", ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::OPTIONS);
                   +  - ]
     470                 :             : #endif
     471   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-assumevalid=<hex>", strprintf("If this block is in the chain assume that it and its ancestors are valid and potentially skip their script verification (0 to verify all, default: %s, testnet3: %s, testnet4: %s, signet: %s)", defaultChainParams->GetConsensus().defaultAssumeValid.GetHex(), testnetChainParams->GetConsensus().defaultAssumeValid.GetHex(), testnet4ChainParams->GetConsensus().defaultAssumeValid.GetHex(), signetChainParams->GetConsensus().defaultAssumeValid.GetHex()), ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::OPTIONS);
          +  -  +  -  +  
             -  +  -  +  
                      - ]
     472   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-blocksdir=<dir>", "Specify directory to hold blocks subdirectory for *.dat files (default: <datadir>)", ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::OPTIONS);
                   +  - ]
     473   [ +  -  +  - ]:        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-blocksxor",
     474                 :           0 :                    strprintf("Whether an XOR-key applies to blocksdir *.dat files. "
     475                 :             :                              "The created XOR-key will be zeros for an existing blocksdir or when `-blocksxor=0` is "
     476                 :             :                              "set, and random for a freshly initialized blocksdir. "
     477                 :             :                              "(default: %u)",
     478                 :             :                              kernel::DEFAULT_XOR_BLOCKSDIR),
     479         [ +  - ]:        1653 :                    ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::OPTIONS);
     480   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-fastprune", "Use smaller block files and lower minimum prune height for testing purposes", ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY | ArgsManager::DEBUG_ONLY, OptionsCategory::DEBUG_TEST);
                   +  - ]
     481                 :             : #if HAVE_SYSTEM
     482   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-blocknotify=<cmd>", "Execute command when the best block changes (%s in cmd is replaced by block hash)", ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::OPTIONS);
                   +  - ]
     483                 :             : #endif
     484   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-blockreconstructionextratxn=<n>", strprintf("Extra transactions to keep in memory for compact block reconstructions (default: %u)", DEFAULT_BLOCK_RECONSTRUCTION_EXTRA_TXN), ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::OPTIONS);
                   +  - ]
     485   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-blocksonly", strprintf("Whether to reject transactions from network peers. Disables automatic broadcast and rebroadcast of transactions, unless the source peer has the 'forcerelay' permission. RPC transactions are not affected. (default: %u)", DEFAULT_BLOCKSONLY), ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::OPTIONS);
                   +  - ]
     486   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-coinstatsindex", strprintf("Maintain coinstats index used by the gettxoutsetinfo RPC (default: %u)", DEFAULT_COINSTATSINDEX), ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::OPTIONS);
                   +  - ]
     487   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-conf=<file>", strprintf("Specify path to read-only configuration file. Relative paths will be prefixed by datadir location (only useable from command line, not configuration file) (default: %s)", BITCOIN_CONF_FILENAME), ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::OPTIONS);
                   +  - ]
     488   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-datadir=<dir>", "Specify data directory", ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY | ArgsManager::DISALLOW_NEGATION, OptionsCategory::OPTIONS);
                   +  - ]
     489   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-dbbatchsize", strprintf("Maximum database write batch size in bytes (default: %u)", nDefaultDbBatchSize), ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY | ArgsManager::DEBUG_ONLY, OptionsCategory::OPTIONS);
                   +  - ]
     490   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-dbcache=<n>", strprintf("Maximum database cache size <n> MiB (minimum %d, default: %d). Make sure you have enough RAM. In addition, unused memory allocated to the mempool is shared with this cache (see -maxmempool).", nMinDbCache, nDefaultDbCache), ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::OPTIONS);
                   +  - ]
     491   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-includeconf=<file>", "Specify additional configuration file, relative to the -datadir path (only useable from configuration file, not command line)", ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::OPTIONS);
                   +  - ]
     492   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-allowignoredconf", strprintf("For backwards compatibility, treat an unused %s file in the datadir as a warning, not an error.", BITCOIN_CONF_FILENAME), ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::OPTIONS);
                   +  - ]
     493   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-loadblock=<file>", "Imports blocks from external file on startup", ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::OPTIONS);
                   +  - ]
     494   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-maxmempool=<n>", strprintf("Keep the transaction memory pool below <n> megabytes (default: %u)", DEFAULT_MAX_MEMPOOL_SIZE_MB), ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::OPTIONS);
                   +  - ]
     495   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-maxorphantx=<n>", strprintf("Keep at most <n> unconnectable transactions in memory (default: %u)", DEFAULT_MAX_ORPHAN_TRANSACTIONS), ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::OPTIONS);
                   +  - ]
     496   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-mempoolexpiry=<n>", strprintf("Do not keep transactions in the mempool longer than <n> hours (default: %u)", DEFAULT_MEMPOOL_EXPIRY_HOURS), ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::OPTIONS);
                   +  - ]
     497   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-minimumchainwork=<hex>", strprintf("Minimum work assumed to exist on a valid chain in hex (default: %s, testnet3: %s, testnet4: %s, signet: %s)", defaultChainParams->GetConsensus().nMinimumChainWork.GetHex(), testnetChainParams->GetConsensus().nMinimumChainWork.GetHex(), testnet4ChainParams->GetConsensus().nMinimumChainWork.GetHex(), signetChainParams->GetConsensus().nMinimumChainWork.GetHex()), ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY | ArgsManager::DEBUG_ONLY, OptionsCategory::OPTIONS);
          +  -  +  -  +  
             -  +  -  +  
                      - ]
     498   [ +  -  +  - ]:        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-par=<n>", strprintf("Set the number of script verification threads (0 = auto, up to %d, <0 = leave that many cores free, default: %d)",
     499         [ +  - ]:        1653 :         MAX_SCRIPTCHECK_THREADS, DEFAULT_SCRIPTCHECK_THREADS), ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::OPTIONS);
     500   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-persistmempool", strprintf("Whether to save the mempool on shutdown and load on restart (default: %u)", DEFAULT_PERSIST_MEMPOOL), ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::OPTIONS);
                   +  - ]
     501   [ +  -  +  - ]:        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-persistmempoolv1",
     502                 :           0 :                    strprintf("Whether a mempool.dat file created by -persistmempool or the savemempool RPC will be written in the legacy format "
     503                 :             :                              "(version 1) or the current format (version 2). This temporary option will be removed in the future. (default: %u)",
     504                 :             :                              DEFAULT_PERSIST_V1_DAT),
     505         [ +  - ]:        1653 :                    ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::OPTIONS);
     506   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-pid=<file>", strprintf("Specify pid file. Relative paths will be prefixed by a net-specific datadir location. (default: %s)", BITCOIN_PID_FILENAME), ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::OPTIONS);
                   +  - ]
     507   [ +  -  +  - ]:        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-prune=<n>", strprintf("Reduce storage requirements by enabling pruning (deleting) of old blocks. This allows the pruneblockchain RPC to be called to delete specific blocks and enables automatic pruning of old blocks if a target size in MiB is provided. This mode is incompatible with -txindex. "
     508                 :             :             "Warning: Reverting this setting requires re-downloading the entire blockchain. "
     509         [ +  - ]:        1653 :             "(default: 0 = disable pruning blocks, 1 = allow manual pruning via RPC, >=%u = automatically prune block files to stay under the specified target size in MiB)", MIN_DISK_SPACE_FOR_BLOCK_FILES / 1024 / 1024), ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::OPTIONS);
     510   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-reindex", "If enabled, wipe chain state and block index, and rebuild them from blk*.dat files on disk. Also wipe and rebuild other optional indexes that are active. If an assumeutxo snapshot was loaded, its chainstate will be wiped as well. The snapshot can then be reloaded via RPC.", ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::OPTIONS);
                   +  - ]
     511   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-reindex-chainstate", "If enabled, wipe chain state, and rebuild it from blk*.dat files on disk. If an assumeutxo snapshot was loaded, its chainstate will be wiped as well. The snapshot can then be reloaded via RPC.", ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::OPTIONS);
                   +  - ]
     512   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-settings=<file>", strprintf("Specify path to dynamic settings data file. Can be disabled with -nosettings. File is written at runtime and not meant to be edited by users (use %s instead for custom settings). Relative paths will be prefixed by datadir location. (default: %s)", BITCOIN_CONF_FILENAME, BITCOIN_SETTINGS_FILENAME), ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::OPTIONS);
                   +  - ]
     513                 :             : #if HAVE_SYSTEM
     514   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-startupnotify=<cmd>", "Execute command on startup.", ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::OPTIONS);
                   +  - ]
     515   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-shutdownnotify=<cmd>", "Execute command immediately before beginning shutdown. The need for shutdown may be urgent, so be careful not to delay it long (if the command doesn't require interaction with the server, consider having it fork into the background).", ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::OPTIONS);
                   +  - ]
     516                 :             : #endif
     517   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-txindex", strprintf("Maintain a full transaction index, used by the getrawtransaction rpc call (default: %u)", DEFAULT_TXINDEX), ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::OPTIONS);
                   +  - ]
     518   [ +  -  +  - ]:        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-blockfilterindex=<type>",
     519         [ +  - ]:        3306 :                  strprintf("Maintain an index of compact filters by block (default: %s, values: %s).", DEFAULT_BLOCKFILTERINDEX, ListBlockFilterTypes()) +
     520         [ +  - ]:        1653 :                  " If <type> is not supplied or if <type> = 1, indexes for all known types are enabled.",
     521         [ +  - ]:        1653 :                  ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::OPTIONS);
     522                 :             : 
     523   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-addnode=<ip>", strprintf("Add a node to connect to and attempt to keep the connection open (see the addnode RPC help for more info). This option can be specified multiple times to add multiple nodes; connections are limited to %u at a time and are counted separately from the -maxconnections limit.", MAX_ADDNODE_CONNECTIONS), ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY | ArgsManager::NETWORK_ONLY, OptionsCategory::CONNECTION);
                   +  - ]
     524   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-asmap=<file>", strprintf("Specify asn mapping used for bucketing of the peers (default: %s). Relative paths will be prefixed by the net-specific datadir location.", DEFAULT_ASMAP_FILENAME), ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::CONNECTION);
                   +  - ]
     525   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-bantime=<n>", strprintf("Default duration (in seconds) of manually configured bans (default: %u)", DEFAULT_MISBEHAVING_BANTIME), ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::CONNECTION);
                   +  - ]
     526   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-bind=<addr>[:<port>][=onion]", strprintf("Bind to given address and always listen on it (default: Use [host]:port notation for IPv6. Append =onion to tag any incoming connections to that address and port as incoming Tor connections (default:, testnet3:, testnet4:, signet:, regtest:", defaultBaseParams->OnionServiceTargetPort(), testnetBaseParams->OnionServiceTargetPort(), testnet4BaseParams->OnionServiceTargetPort(), signetBaseParams->OnionServiceTargetPort(), regtestBaseParams->OnionServiceTargetPort()), ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY | ArgsManager::NETWORK_ONLY, OptionsCategory::CONNECTION);
                   +  - ]
     527   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-cjdnsreachable", "If set, then this host is configured for CJDNS (connecting to fc00::/8 addresses would lead us to the CJDNS network, see doc/ (default: 0)", ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::CONNECTION);
                   +  - ]
     528   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-connect=<ip>", "Connect only to the specified node; -noconnect disables automatic connections (the rules for this peer are the same as for -addnode). This option can be specified multiple times to connect to multiple nodes.", ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY | ArgsManager::NETWORK_ONLY, OptionsCategory::CONNECTION);
                   +  - ]
     529   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-discover", "Discover own IP addresses (default: 1 when listening and no -externalip or -proxy)", ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::CONNECTION);
                   +  - ]
     530   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-dns", strprintf("Allow DNS lookups for -addnode, -seednode and -connect (default: %u)", DEFAULT_NAME_LOOKUP), ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::CONNECTION);
                   +  - ]
     531   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-dnsseed", strprintf("Query for peer addresses via DNS lookup, if low on addresses (default: %u unless -connect used or -maxconnections=0)", DEFAULT_DNSSEED), ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::CONNECTION);
                   +  - ]
     532   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-externalip=<ip>", "Specify your own public address", ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::CONNECTION);
                   +  - ]
     533   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-fixedseeds", strprintf("Allow fixed seeds if DNS seeds don't provide peers (default: %u)", DEFAULT_FIXEDSEEDS), ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::CONNECTION);
                   +  - ]
     534   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-forcednsseed", strprintf("Always query for peer addresses via DNS lookup (default: %u)", DEFAULT_FORCEDNSSEED), ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::CONNECTION);
                   +  - ]
     535   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-listen", strprintf("Accept connections from outside (default: %u if no -proxy, -connect or -maxconnections=0)", DEFAULT_LISTEN), ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::CONNECTION);
                   +  - ]
     536   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-listenonion", strprintf("Automatically create Tor onion service (default: %d)", DEFAULT_LISTEN_ONION), ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::CONNECTION);
                   +  - ]
     537   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-maxconnections=<n>", strprintf("Maintain at most <n> automatic connections to peers (default: %u). This limit does not apply to connections manually added via -addnode or the addnode RPC, which have a separate limit of %u.", DEFAULT_MAX_PEER_CONNECTIONS, MAX_ADDNODE_CONNECTIONS), ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::CONNECTION);
                   +  - ]
     538   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-maxreceivebuffer=<n>", strprintf("Maximum per-connection receive buffer, <n>*1000 bytes (default: %u)", DEFAULT_MAXRECEIVEBUFFER), ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::CONNECTION);
                   +  - ]
     539   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-maxsendbuffer=<n>", strprintf("Maximum per-connection memory usage for the send buffer, <n>*1000 bytes (default: %u)", DEFAULT_MAXSENDBUFFER), ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::CONNECTION);
                   +  - ]
     540   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-maxuploadtarget=<n>", strprintf("Tries to keep outbound traffic under the given target per 24h. Limit does not apply to peers with 'download' permission or blocks created within past week. 0 = no limit (default: %s). Optional suffix units [k|K|m|M|g|G|t|T] (default: M). Lowercase is 1000 base while uppercase is 1024 base", DEFAULT_MAX_UPLOAD_TARGET), ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::CONNECTION);
                   +  - ]
     541                 :             : #ifdef HAVE_SOCKADDR_UN
     542   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-onion=<ip:port|path>", "Use separate SOCKS5 proxy to reach peers via Tor onion services, set -noonion to disable (default: -proxy). May be a local file path prefixed with 'unix:'.", ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::CONNECTION);
                   +  - ]
     543                 :             : #else
     544                 :             :     argsman.AddArg("-onion=<ip:port>", "Use separate SOCKS5 proxy to reach peers via Tor onion services, set -noonion to disable (default: -proxy)", ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::CONNECTION);
     545                 :             : #endif
     546   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-i2psam=<ip:port>", "I2P SAM proxy to reach I2P peers and accept I2P connections (default: none)", ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::CONNECTION);
                   +  - ]
     547   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-i2pacceptincoming", strprintf("Whether to accept inbound I2P connections (default: %i). Ignored if -i2psam is not set. Listening for inbound I2P connections is done through the SAM proxy, not by binding to a local address and port.", DEFAULT_I2P_ACCEPT_INCOMING), ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::CONNECTION);
                   +  - ]
     548   [ +  -  +  -  :        4959 :     argsman.AddArg("-onlynet=<net>", "Make automatic outbound connections only to network <net> (" + Join(GetNetworkNames(), ", ") + "). Inbound and manual connections are not affected by this option. It can be specified multiple times to allow multiple networks.", ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::CONNECTION);
          +  -  +  -  +  
                      - ]
     549   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-v2transport", strprintf("Support v2 transport (default: %u)", DEFAULT_V2_TRANSPORT), ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::CONNECTION);
                   +  - ]
     550   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-peerbloomfilters", strprintf("Support filtering of blocks and transaction with bloom filters (default: %u)", DEFAULT_PEERBLOOMFILTERS), ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::CONNECTION);
                   +  - ]
     551   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-peerblockfilters", strprintf("Serve compact block filters to peers per BIP 157 (default: %u)", DEFAULT_PEERBLOCKFILTERS), ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::CONNECTION);
                   +  - ]
     552   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-txreconciliation", strprintf("Enable transaction reconciliations per BIP 330 (default: %d)", DEFAULT_TXRECONCILIATION_ENABLE), ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY | ArgsManager::DEBUG_ONLY, OptionsCategory::CONNECTION);
                   +  - ]
     553   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-port=<port>", strprintf("Listen for connections on <port> (default: %u, testnet3: %u, testnet4: %u, signet: %u, regtest: %u). Not relevant for I2P (see doc/", defaultChainParams->GetDefaultPort(), testnetChainParams->GetDefaultPort(), testnet4ChainParams->GetDefaultPort(), signetChainParams->GetDefaultPort(), regtestChainParams->GetDefaultPort()), ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY | ArgsManager::NETWORK_ONLY, OptionsCategory::CONNECTION);
                   +  - ]
     554                 :             : #ifdef HAVE_SOCKADDR_UN
     555   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-proxy=<ip:port|path>", "Connect through SOCKS5 proxy, set -noproxy to disable (default: disabled). May be a local file path prefixed with 'unix:' if the proxy supports it.", ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY | ArgsManager::DISALLOW_ELISION, OptionsCategory::CONNECTION);
                   +  - ]
     556                 :             : #else
     557                 :             :     argsman.AddArg("-proxy=<ip:port>", "Connect through SOCKS5 proxy, set -noproxy to disable (default: disabled)", ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY | ArgsManager::DISALLOW_ELISION, OptionsCategory::CONNECTION);
     558                 :             : #endif
     559   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-proxyrandomize", strprintf("Randomize credentials for every proxy connection. This enables Tor stream isolation (default: %u)", DEFAULT_PROXYRANDOMIZE), ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::CONNECTION);
                   +  - ]
     560   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-seednode=<ip>", "Connect to a node to retrieve peer addresses, and disconnect. This option can be specified multiple times to connect to multiple nodes. During startup, seednodes will be tried before dnsseeds.", ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::CONNECTION);
                   +  - ]
     561   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-networkactive", "Enable all P2P network activity (default: 1). Can be changed by the setnetworkactive RPC command", ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::CONNECTION);
                   +  - ]
     562   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-timeout=<n>", strprintf("Specify socket connection timeout in milliseconds. If an initial attempt to connect is unsuccessful after this amount of time, drop it (minimum: 1, default: %d)", DEFAULT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT), ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::CONNECTION);
                   +  - ]
     563   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-peertimeout=<n>", strprintf("Specify a p2p connection timeout delay in seconds. After connecting to a peer, wait this amount of time before considering disconnection based on inactivity (minimum: 1, default: %d)", DEFAULT_PEER_CONNECT_TIMEOUT), ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY | ArgsManager::DEBUG_ONLY, OptionsCategory::CONNECTION);
                   +  - ]
     564   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-torcontrol=<ip>:<port>", strprintf("Tor control host and port to use if onion listening enabled (default: %s). If no port is specified, the default port of %i will be used.", DEFAULT_TOR_CONTROL, DEFAULT_TOR_CONTROL_PORT), ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::CONNECTION);
                   +  - ]
     565   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-torpassword=<pass>", "Tor control port password (default: empty)", ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY | ArgsManager::SENSITIVE, OptionsCategory::CONNECTION);
                   +  - ]
     566                 :             :     // UPnP support was dropped. We keep `-upnp` as a hidden arg to display a more user friendly error when set. TODO: remove (here and below) for 30.0. NOTE: removing this option may prevent the GUI from starting, see
     567   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-upnp", "", ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::HIDDEN);
                   +  - ]
     568   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-natpmp", strprintf("Use PCP or NAT-PMP to map the listening port (default: %u)", DEFAULT_NATPMP), ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::CONNECTION);
                   +  - ]
     569   [ +  -  +  - ]:        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-whitebind=<[permissions@]addr>", "Bind to the given address and add permission flags to the peers connecting to it. "
     570         [ +  - ]:        3306 :         "Use [host]:port notation for IPv6. Allowed permissions: " + Join(NET_PERMISSIONS_DOC, ", ") + ". "
     571   [ +  -  +  - ]:        3306 :         "Specify multiple permissions separated by commas (default: download,noban,mempool,relay). Can be specified multiple times.", ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::CONNECTION);
     572                 :             : 
     573   [ +  -  +  - ]:        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-whitelist=<[permissions@]IP address or network>", "Add permission flags to the peers using the given IP address (e.g. or "
     574                 :             :         "CIDR-notated network (e.g. Uses the same permissions as "
     575                 :             :         "-whitebind. "
     576                 :             :         "Additional flags \"in\" and \"out\" control whether permissions apply to incoming connections and/or manual (default: incoming only). "
     577         [ +  - ]:        1653 :         "Can be specified multiple times.", ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::CONNECTION);
     578                 :             : 
     579         [ +  - ]:        1653 :     g_wallet_init_interface.AddWalletOptions(argsman);
     580                 :             : 
     581                 :             : #ifdef ENABLE_ZMQ
     582                 :             :     argsman.AddArg("-zmqpubhashblock=<address>", "Enable publish hash block in <address>", ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::ZMQ);
     583                 :             :     argsman.AddArg("-zmqpubhashtx=<address>", "Enable publish hash transaction in <address>", ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::ZMQ);
     584                 :             :     argsman.AddArg("-zmqpubrawblock=<address>", "Enable publish raw block in <address>", ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::ZMQ);
     585                 :             :     argsman.AddArg("-zmqpubrawtx=<address>", "Enable publish raw transaction in <address>", ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::ZMQ);
     586                 :             :     argsman.AddArg("-zmqpubsequence=<address>", "Enable publish hash block and tx sequence in <address>", ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::ZMQ);
     587                 :             :     argsman.AddArg("-zmqpubhashblockhwm=<n>", strprintf("Set publish hash block outbound message high water mark (default: %d)", CZMQAbstractNotifier::DEFAULT_ZMQ_SNDHWM), ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::ZMQ);
     588                 :             :     argsman.AddArg("-zmqpubhashtxhwm=<n>", strprintf("Set publish hash transaction outbound message high water mark (default: %d)", CZMQAbstractNotifier::DEFAULT_ZMQ_SNDHWM), ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::ZMQ);
     589                 :             :     argsman.AddArg("-zmqpubrawblockhwm=<n>", strprintf("Set publish raw block outbound message high water mark (default: %d)", CZMQAbstractNotifier::DEFAULT_ZMQ_SNDHWM), ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::ZMQ);
     590                 :             :     argsman.AddArg("-zmqpubrawtxhwm=<n>", strprintf("Set publish raw transaction outbound message high water mark (default: %d)", CZMQAbstractNotifier::DEFAULT_ZMQ_SNDHWM), ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::ZMQ);
     591                 :             :     argsman.AddArg("-zmqpubsequencehwm=<n>", strprintf("Set publish hash sequence message high water mark (default: %d)", CZMQAbstractNotifier::DEFAULT_ZMQ_SNDHWM), ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::ZMQ);
     592                 :             : #else
     593         [ +  - ]:        1653 :     hidden_args.emplace_back("-zmqpubhashblock=<address>");
     594         [ +  - ]:        1653 :     hidden_args.emplace_back("-zmqpubhashtx=<address>");
     595         [ +  - ]:        1653 :     hidden_args.emplace_back("-zmqpubrawblock=<address>");
     596         [ +  - ]:        1653 :     hidden_args.emplace_back("-zmqpubrawtx=<address>");
     597         [ +  - ]:        1653 :     hidden_args.emplace_back("-zmqpubsequence=<n>");
     598         [ +  - ]:        1653 :     hidden_args.emplace_back("-zmqpubhashblockhwm=<n>");
     599         [ +  - ]:        1653 :     hidden_args.emplace_back("-zmqpubhashtxhwm=<n>");
     600         [ +  - ]:        1653 :     hidden_args.emplace_back("-zmqpubrawblockhwm=<n>");
     601         [ +  - ]:        1653 :     hidden_args.emplace_back("-zmqpubrawtxhwm=<n>");
     602         [ +  - ]:        1653 :     hidden_args.emplace_back("-zmqpubsequencehwm=<n>");
     603                 :             : #endif
     604                 :             : 
     605   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-checkblocks=<n>", strprintf("How many blocks to check at startup (default: %u, 0 = all)", DEFAULT_CHECKBLOCKS), ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY | ArgsManager::DEBUG_ONLY, OptionsCategory::DEBUG_TEST);
                   +  - ]
     606   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-checklevel=<n>", strprintf("How thorough the block verification of -checkblocks is: %s (0-4, default: %u)", Join(CHECKLEVEL_DOC, ", "), DEFAULT_CHECKLEVEL), ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY | ArgsManager::DEBUG_ONLY, OptionsCategory::DEBUG_TEST);
             +  -  +  - ]
     607   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-checkblockindex", strprintf("Do a consistency check for the block tree, chainstate, and other validation data structures every <n> operations. Use 0 to disable. (default: %u, regtest: %u)", defaultChainParams->DefaultConsistencyChecks(), regtestChainParams->DefaultConsistencyChecks()), ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY | ArgsManager::DEBUG_ONLY, OptionsCategory::DEBUG_TEST);
                   +  - ]
     608   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-checkaddrman=<n>", strprintf("Run addrman consistency checks every <n> operations. Use 0 to disable. (default: %u)", DEFAULT_ADDRMAN_CONSISTENCY_CHECKS), ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY | ArgsManager::DEBUG_ONLY, OptionsCategory::DEBUG_TEST);
                   +  - ]
     609   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-checkmempool=<n>", strprintf("Run mempool consistency checks every <n> transactions. Use 0 to disable. (default: %u, regtest: %u)", defaultChainParams->DefaultConsistencyChecks(), regtestChainParams->DefaultConsistencyChecks()), ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY | ArgsManager::DEBUG_ONLY, OptionsCategory::DEBUG_TEST);
                   +  - ]
     610   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-checkpoints", strprintf("Enable rejection of any forks from the known historical chain until block %s (default: %u)", defaultChainParams->Checkpoints().GetHeight(), DEFAULT_CHECKPOINTS_ENABLED), ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY | ArgsManager::DEBUG_ONLY, OptionsCategory::DEBUG_TEST);
                   +  - ]
     611   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-deprecatedrpc=<method>", "Allows deprecated RPC method(s) to be used", ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY | ArgsManager::DEBUG_ONLY, OptionsCategory::DEBUG_TEST);
                   +  - ]
     612   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-stopafterblockimport", strprintf("Stop running after importing blocks from disk (default: %u)", DEFAULT_STOPAFTERBLOCKIMPORT), ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY | ArgsManager::DEBUG_ONLY, OptionsCategory::DEBUG_TEST);
                   +  - ]
     613   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-stopatheight", strprintf("Stop running after reaching the given height in the main chain (default: %u)", DEFAULT_STOPATHEIGHT), ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY | ArgsManager::DEBUG_ONLY, OptionsCategory::DEBUG_TEST);
                   +  - ]
     614   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-limitancestorcount=<n>", strprintf("Do not accept transactions if number of in-mempool ancestors is <n> or more (default: %u)", DEFAULT_ANCESTOR_LIMIT), ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY | ArgsManager::DEBUG_ONLY, OptionsCategory::DEBUG_TEST);
                   +  - ]
     615   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-limitancestorsize=<n>", strprintf("Do not accept transactions whose size with all in-mempool ancestors exceeds <n> kilobytes (default: %u)", DEFAULT_ANCESTOR_SIZE_LIMIT_KVB), ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY | ArgsManager::DEBUG_ONLY, OptionsCategory::DEBUG_TEST);
                   +  - ]
     616   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-limitdescendantcount=<n>", strprintf("Do not accept transactions if any ancestor would have <n> or more in-mempool descendants (default: %u)", DEFAULT_DESCENDANT_LIMIT), ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY | ArgsManager::DEBUG_ONLY, OptionsCategory::DEBUG_TEST);
                   +  - ]
     617   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-limitdescendantsize=<n>", strprintf("Do not accept transactions if any ancestor would have more than <n> kilobytes of in-mempool descendants (default: %u).", DEFAULT_DESCENDANT_SIZE_LIMIT_KVB), ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY | ArgsManager::DEBUG_ONLY, OptionsCategory::DEBUG_TEST);
                   +  - ]
     618   [ +  -  +  -  :        4959 :     argsman.AddArg("-test=<option>", "Pass a test-only option. Options include : " + Join(TEST_OPTIONS_DOC, ", ") + ".", ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY | ArgsManager::DEBUG_ONLY, OptionsCategory::DEBUG_TEST);
             +  -  +  - ]
     619   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-capturemessages", "Capture all P2P messages to disk", ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY | ArgsManager::DEBUG_ONLY, OptionsCategory::DEBUG_TEST);
                   +  - ]
     620   [ +  -  +  -  :        4959 :     argsman.AddArg("-mocktime=<n>", "Replace actual time with " + UNIX_EPOCH_TIME + " (default: 0)", ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY | ArgsManager::DEBUG_ONLY, OptionsCategory::DEBUG_TEST);
                   +  - ]
     621   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-maxsigcachesize=<n>", strprintf("Limit sum of signature cache and script execution cache sizes to <n> MiB (default: %u)", DEFAULT_VALIDATION_CACHE_BYTES >> 20), ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY | ArgsManager::DEBUG_ONLY, OptionsCategory::DEBUG_TEST);
                   +  - ]
     622   [ +  -  +  - ]:        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-maxtipage=<n>",
     623                 :           0 :                    strprintf("Maximum tip age in seconds to consider node in initial block download (default: %u)",
     624                 :        1653 :                              Ticks<std::chrono::seconds>(DEFAULT_MAX_TIP_AGE)),
     625         [ +  - ]:        1653 :                    ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY | ArgsManager::DEBUG_ONLY, OptionsCategory::DEBUG_TEST);
     626   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-printpriority", strprintf("Log transaction fee rate in %s/kvB when mining blocks (default: %u)", CURRENCY_UNIT, DEFAULT_PRINT_MODIFIED_FEE), ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY | ArgsManager::DEBUG_ONLY, OptionsCategory::DEBUG_TEST);
                   +  - ]
     627   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-uacomment=<cmt>", "Append comment to the user agent string", ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::DEBUG_TEST);
                   +  - ]
     628                 :             : 
     629         [ +  - ]:        1653 :     SetupChainParamsBaseOptions(argsman);
     630                 :             : 
     631   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-acceptnonstdtxn", strprintf("Relay and mine \"non-standard\" transactions (test networks only; default: %u)", DEFAULT_ACCEPT_NON_STD_TXN), ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY | ArgsManager::DEBUG_ONLY, OptionsCategory::NODE_RELAY);
                   +  - ]
     632   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-incrementalrelayfee=<amt>", strprintf("Fee rate (in %s/kvB) used to define cost of relay, used for mempool limiting and replacement policy. (default: %s)", CURRENCY_UNIT, FormatMoney(DEFAULT_INCREMENTAL_RELAY_FEE)), ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY | ArgsManager::DEBUG_ONLY, OptionsCategory::NODE_RELAY);
             +  -  +  - ]
     633   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-dustrelayfee=<amt>", strprintf("Fee rate (in %s/kvB) used to define dust, the value of an output such that it will cost more than its value in fees at this fee rate to spend it. (default: %s)", CURRENCY_UNIT, FormatMoney(DUST_RELAY_TX_FEE)), ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY | ArgsManager::DEBUG_ONLY, OptionsCategory::NODE_RELAY);
             +  -  +  - ]
     634   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-acceptstalefeeestimates", strprintf("Read fee estimates even if they are stale (%sdefault: %u) fee estimates are considered stale if they are %s hours old", "regtest only; ", DEFAULT_ACCEPT_STALE_FEE_ESTIMATES, Ticks<std::chrono::hours>(MAX_FILE_AGE)), ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY | ArgsManager::DEBUG_ONLY, OptionsCategory::DEBUG_TEST);
                   +  - ]
     635   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-bytespersigop", strprintf("Equivalent bytes per sigop in transactions for relay and mining (default: %u)", DEFAULT_BYTES_PER_SIGOP), ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::NODE_RELAY);
                   +  - ]
     636   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-datacarrier", strprintf("Relay and mine data carrier transactions (default: %u)", DEFAULT_ACCEPT_DATACARRIER), ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::NODE_RELAY);
                   +  - ]
     637   [ +  -  +  - ]:        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-datacarriersize",
     638                 :           0 :                    strprintf("Relay and mine transactions whose data-carrying raw scriptPubKey "
     639                 :             :                              "is of this size or less (default: %u)",
     640                 :             :                              MAX_OP_RETURN_RELAY),
     641         [ +  - ]:        1653 :                    ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::NODE_RELAY);
     642   [ +  -  +  - ]:        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-permitbaremultisig", strprintf("Relay transactions creating non-P2SH multisig outputs (default: %u)", DEFAULT_PERMIT_BAREMULTISIG), ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY,
     643         [ +  - ]:        1653 :                    OptionsCategory::NODE_RELAY);
     644   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-minrelaytxfee=<amt>", strprintf("Fees (in %s/kvB) smaller than this are considered zero fee for relaying, mining and transaction creation (default: %s)",
                   +  - ]
     645         [ +  - ]:        1653 :         CURRENCY_UNIT, FormatMoney(DEFAULT_MIN_RELAY_TX_FEE)), ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::NODE_RELAY);
     646   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-whitelistforcerelay", strprintf("Add 'forcerelay' permission to whitelisted peers with default permissions. This will relay transactions even if the transactions were already in the mempool. (default: %d)", DEFAULT_WHITELISTFORCERELAY), ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::NODE_RELAY);
                   +  - ]
     647   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-whitelistrelay", strprintf("Add 'relay' permission to whitelisted peers with default permissions. This will accept relayed transactions even when not relaying transactions (default: %d)", DEFAULT_WHITELISTRELAY), ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::NODE_RELAY);
                   +  - ]
     648                 :             : 
     649                 :             : 
     650   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-blockmaxweight=<n>", strprintf("Set maximum BIP141 block weight (default: %d)", DEFAULT_BLOCK_MAX_WEIGHT), ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::BLOCK_CREATION);
                   +  - ]
     651   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-blockmintxfee=<amt>", strprintf("Set lowest fee rate (in %s/kvB) for transactions to be included in block creation. (default: %s)", CURRENCY_UNIT, FormatMoney(DEFAULT_BLOCK_MIN_TX_FEE)), ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::BLOCK_CREATION);
             +  -  +  - ]
     652   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-blockversion=<n>", "Override block version to test forking scenarios", ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY | ArgsManager::DEBUG_ONLY, OptionsCategory::BLOCK_CREATION);
                   +  - ]
     653                 :             : 
     654   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-rest", strprintf("Accept public REST requests (default: %u)", DEFAULT_REST_ENABLE), ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::RPC);
                   +  - ]
     655   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-rpcallowip=<ip>", "Allow JSON-RPC connections from specified source. Valid values for <ip> are a single IP (e.g., a network/netmask (e.g., a network/CIDR (e.g., all ipv4 (, or all ipv6 (::/0). This option can be specified multiple times", ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::RPC);
                   +  - ]
     656   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-rpcauth=<userpw>", "Username and HMAC-SHA-256 hashed password for JSON-RPC connections. The field <userpw> comes in the format: <USERNAME>:<SALT>$<HASH>. A canonical python script is included in share/rpcauth. The client then connects normally using the rpcuser=<USERNAME>/rpcpassword=<PASSWORD> pair of arguments. This option can be specified multiple times", ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY | ArgsManager::SENSITIVE, OptionsCategory::RPC);
                   +  - ]
     657   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-rpcbind=<addr>[:port]", "Bind to given address to listen for JSON-RPC connections. Do not expose the RPC server to untrusted networks such as the public internet! This option is ignored unless -rpcallowip is also passed. Port is optional and overrides -rpcport. Use [host]:port notation for IPv6. This option can be specified multiple times (default: and ::1 i.e., localhost)", ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY | ArgsManager::NETWORK_ONLY, OptionsCategory::RPC);
                   +  - ]
     658   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-rpcdoccheck", strprintf("Throw a non-fatal error at runtime if the documentation for an RPC is incorrect (default: %u)", DEFAULT_RPC_DOC_CHECK), ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY | ArgsManager::DEBUG_ONLY, OptionsCategory::RPC);
                   +  - ]
     659   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-rpccookiefile=<loc>", "Location of the auth cookie. Relative paths will be prefixed by a net-specific datadir location. (default: data dir)", ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::RPC);
                   +  - ]
     660   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-rpccookieperms=<readable-by>", strprintf("Set permissions on the RPC auth cookie file so that it is readable by [owner|group|all] (default: owner [via umask 0077])"), ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::RPC);
                   +  - ]
     661   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-rpcpassword=<pw>", "Password for JSON-RPC connections", ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY | ArgsManager::SENSITIVE, OptionsCategory::RPC);
                   +  - ]
     662   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-rpcport=<port>", strprintf("Listen for JSON-RPC connections on <port> (default: %u, testnet3: %u, testnet4: %u, signet: %u, regtest: %u)", defaultBaseParams->RPCPort(), testnetBaseParams->RPCPort(), testnet4BaseParams->RPCPort(), signetBaseParams->RPCPort(), regtestBaseParams->RPCPort()), ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY | ArgsManager::NETWORK_ONLY, OptionsCategory::RPC);
                   +  - ]
     663   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-rpcservertimeout=<n>", strprintf("Timeout during HTTP requests (default: %d)", DEFAULT_HTTP_SERVER_TIMEOUT), ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY | ArgsManager::DEBUG_ONLY, OptionsCategory::RPC);
                   +  - ]
     664   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-rpcthreads=<n>", strprintf("Set the number of threads to service RPC calls (default: %d)", DEFAULT_HTTP_THREADS), ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::RPC);
                   +  - ]
     665   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-rpcuser=<user>", "Username for JSON-RPC connections", ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY | ArgsManager::SENSITIVE, OptionsCategory::RPC);
                   +  - ]
     666   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-rpcwhitelist=<whitelist>", "Set a whitelist to filter incoming RPC calls for a specific user. The field <whitelist> comes in the format: <USERNAME>:<rpc 1>,<rpc 2>,...,<rpc n>. If multiple whitelists are set for a given user, they are set-intersected. See -rpcwhitelistdefault documentation for information on default whitelist behavior.", ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::RPC);
                   +  - ]
     667   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-rpcwhitelistdefault", "Sets default behavior for rpc whitelisting. Unless rpcwhitelistdefault is set to 0, if any -rpcwhitelist is set, the rpc server acts as if all rpc users are subject to empty-unless-otherwise-specified whitelists. If rpcwhitelistdefault is set to 1 and no -rpcwhitelist is set, rpc server acts as if all rpc users are subject to empty whitelists.", ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::RPC);
                   +  - ]
     668   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-rpcworkqueue=<n>", strprintf("Set the depth of the work queue to service RPC calls (default: %d)", DEFAULT_HTTP_WORKQUEUE), ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY | ArgsManager::DEBUG_ONLY, OptionsCategory::RPC);
                   +  - ]
     669   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-server", "Accept command line and JSON-RPC commands", ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::RPC);
                   +  - ]
     670         [ -  + ]:        1653 :     if (can_listen_ipc) {
     671   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :         argsman.AddArg("-ipcbind=<address>", "Bind to Unix socket address and listen for incoming connections. Valid address values are \"unix\" to listen on the default path, <datadir>/node.sock, or \"unix:/custom/path\" to specify a custom path. Can be specified multiple times to listen on multiple paths. Default behavior is not to listen on any path. If relative paths are specified, they are interpreted relative to the network data directory. If paths include any parent directory components and the parent directories do not exist, they will be created.", ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::IPC);
                   #  # ]
     672                 :             :     }
     673                 :             : 
     674                 :             : #if HAVE_DECL_FORK
     675   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-daemon", strprintf("Run in the background as a daemon and accept commands (default: %d)", DEFAULT_DAEMON), ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::OPTIONS);
                   +  - ]
     676   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     argsman.AddArg("-daemonwait", strprintf("Wait for initialization to be finished before exiting. This implies -daemon (default: %d)", DEFAULT_DAEMONWAIT), ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::OPTIONS);
                   +  - ]
     677                 :             : #else
     678                 :             :     hidden_args.emplace_back("-daemon");
     679                 :             :     hidden_args.emplace_back("-daemonwait");
     680                 :             : #endif
     681                 :             : 
     682                 :             :     // Add the hidden options
     683         [ +  - ]:        1653 :     argsman.AddHiddenArgs(hidden_args);
     684                 :        1653 : }
     685                 :             : 
     686                 :             : #if HAVE_SYSTEM
     687                 :           0 : static void StartupNotify(const ArgsManager& args)
     688                 :             : {
     689   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :     std::string cmd = args.GetArg("-startupnotify", "");
     690         [ #  # ]:           0 :     if (!cmd.empty()) {
     691         [ #  # ]:           0 :         std::thread t(runCommand, cmd);
     692         [ #  # ]:           0 :         t.detach(); // thread runs free
     693                 :           0 :     }
     694                 :           0 : }
     695                 :             : #endif
     696                 :             : 
     697                 :           0 : static bool AppInitServers(NodeContext& node)
     698                 :             : {
     699                 :           0 :     const ArgsManager& args = *Assert(node.args);
     700         [ #  # ]:           0 :     if (!InitHTTPServer(*Assert(node.shutdown_signal))) {
     701                 :             :         return false;
     702                 :             :     }
     703                 :           0 :     StartRPC();
     704                 :           0 :     node.rpc_interruption_point = RpcInterruptionPoint;
     705   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :     if (!StartHTTPRPC(&node))
     706                 :             :         return false;
     707   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :     if (args.GetBoolArg("-rest", DEFAULT_REST_ENABLE)) StartREST(&node);
                   #  # ]
     708                 :           0 :     StartHTTPServer();
     709                 :           0 :     return true;
     710                 :             : }
     711                 :             : 
     712                 :             : // Parameter interaction based on rules
     713                 :           0 : void InitParameterInteraction(ArgsManager& args)
     714                 :             : {
     715                 :             :     // when specifying an explicit binding address, you want to listen on it
     716                 :             :     // even when -connect or -proxy is specified
     717   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :     if (args.IsArgSet("-bind")) {
     718   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :         if (args.SoftSetBoolArg("-listen", true))
     719                 :           0 :             LogInfo("parameter interaction: -bind set -> setting -listen=1\n");
     720                 :             :     }
     721   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :     if (args.IsArgSet("-whitebind")) {
     722   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :         if (args.SoftSetBoolArg("-listen", true))
     723                 :           0 :             LogInfo("parameter interaction: -whitebind set -> setting -listen=1\n");
     724                 :             :     }
     725                 :             : 
     726   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :     if (args.IsArgSet("-connect") || args.GetIntArg("-maxconnections", DEFAULT_MAX_PEER_CONNECTIONS) <= 0) {
          #  #  #  #  #  
          #  #  #  #  #  
                   #  # ]
     727                 :             :         // when only connecting to trusted nodes, do not seed via DNS, or listen by default
     728   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :         if (args.SoftSetBoolArg("-dnsseed", false))
     729                 :           0 :             LogInfo("parameter interaction: -connect or -maxconnections=0 set -> setting -dnsseed=0\n");
     730   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :         if (args.SoftSetBoolArg("-listen", false))
     731                 :           0 :             LogInfo("parameter interaction: -connect or -maxconnections=0 set -> setting -listen=0\n");
     732                 :             :     }
     733                 :             : 
     734   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :     std::string proxy_arg = args.GetArg("-proxy", "");
     735   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :     if (proxy_arg != "" && proxy_arg != "0") {
     736                 :             :         // to protect privacy, do not listen by default if a default proxy server is specified
     737   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :         if (args.SoftSetBoolArg("-listen", false))
                   #  # ]
     738         [ #  # ]:           0 :             LogInfo("parameter interaction: -proxy set -> setting -listen=0\n");
     739                 :             :         // to protect privacy, do not map ports when a proxy is set. The user may still specify -listen=1
     740                 :             :         // to listen locally, so don't rely on this happening through -listen below.
     741   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :         if (args.SoftSetBoolArg("-natpmp", false)) {
                   #  # ]
     742         [ #  # ]:           0 :             LogInfo("parameter interaction: -proxy set -> setting -natpmp=0\n");
     743                 :             :         }
     744                 :             :         // to protect privacy, do not discover addresses by default
     745   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :         if (args.SoftSetBoolArg("-discover", false))
                   #  # ]
     746         [ #  # ]:           0 :             LogInfo("parameter interaction: -proxy set -> setting -discover=0\n");
     747                 :             :     }
     748                 :             : 
     749   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :     if (!args.GetBoolArg("-listen", DEFAULT_LISTEN)) {
                   #  # ]
     750                 :             :         // do not map ports or try to retrieve public IP when not listening (pointless)
     751   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :         if (args.SoftSetBoolArg("-natpmp", false)) {
                   #  # ]
     752         [ #  # ]:           0 :             LogInfo("parameter interaction: -listen=0 -> setting -natpmp=0\n");
     753                 :             :         }
     754   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :         if (args.SoftSetBoolArg("-discover", false))
                   #  # ]
     755         [ #  # ]:           0 :             LogInfo("parameter interaction: -listen=0 -> setting -discover=0\n");
     756   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :         if (args.SoftSetBoolArg("-listenonion", false))
                   #  # ]
     757         [ #  # ]:           0 :             LogInfo("parameter interaction: -listen=0 -> setting -listenonion=0\n");
     758   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :         if (args.SoftSetBoolArg("-i2pacceptincoming", false)) {
                   #  # ]
     759         [ #  # ]:           0 :             LogInfo("parameter interaction: -listen=0 -> setting -i2pacceptincoming=0\n");
     760                 :             :         }
     761                 :             :     }
     762                 :             : 
     763   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :     if (args.IsArgSet("-externalip")) {
                   #  # ]
     764                 :             :         // if an explicit public IP is specified, do not try to find others
     765   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :         if (args.SoftSetBoolArg("-discover", false))
                   #  # ]
     766         [ #  # ]:           0 :             LogInfo("parameter interaction: -externalip set -> setting -discover=0\n");
     767                 :             :     }
     768                 :             : 
     769   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :     if (args.GetBoolArg("-blocksonly", DEFAULT_BLOCKSONLY)) {
                   #  # ]
     770                 :             :         // disable whitelistrelay in blocksonly mode
     771   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :         if (args.SoftSetBoolArg("-whitelistrelay", false))
                   #  # ]
     772         [ #  # ]:           0 :             LogInfo("parameter interaction: -blocksonly=1 -> setting -whitelistrelay=0\n");
     773                 :             :         // Reduce default mempool size in blocksonly mode to avoid unexpected resource usage
     774   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :         if (args.SoftSetArg("-maxmempool", ToString(DEFAULT_BLOCKSONLY_MAX_MEMPOOL_SIZE_MB)))
             #  #  #  # ]
     775         [ #  # ]:           0 :             LogInfo("parameter interaction: -blocksonly=1 -> setting -maxmempool=%d\n", DEFAULT_BLOCKSONLY_MAX_MEMPOOL_SIZE_MB);
     776                 :             :     }
     777                 :             : 
     778                 :             :     // Forcing relay from whitelisted hosts implies we will accept relays from them in the first place.
     779   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :     if (args.GetBoolArg("-whitelistforcerelay", DEFAULT_WHITELISTFORCERELAY)) {
                   #  # ]
     780   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :         if (args.SoftSetBoolArg("-whitelistrelay", true))
                   #  # ]
     781         [ #  # ]:           0 :             LogInfo("parameter interaction: -whitelistforcerelay=1 -> setting -whitelistrelay=1\n");
     782                 :             :     }
     783   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :     if (args.IsArgSet("-onlynet")) {
                   #  # ]
     784   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :         const auto onlynets = args.GetArgs("-onlynet");
     785         [ #  # ]:           0 :         bool clearnet_reachable = std::any_of(onlynets.begin(), onlynets.end(), [](const auto& net) {
     786                 :           0 :             const auto n = ParseNetwork(net);
     787   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :             return n == NET_IPV4 || n == NET_IPV6;
          #  #  #  #  #  
             #  #  #  #  
                      # ]
     788                 :             :         });
     789   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :         if (!clearnet_reachable && args.SoftSetBoolArg("-dnsseed", false)) {
          #  #  #  #  #  
                      # ]
     790         [ #  # ]:           0 :             LogInfo("parameter interaction: -onlynet excludes IPv4 and IPv6 -> setting -dnsseed=0\n");
     791                 :             :         }
     792                 :           0 :     }
     793                 :           0 : }
     794                 :             : 
     795                 :             : /**
     796                 :             :  * Initialize global loggers.
     797                 :             :  *
     798                 :             :  * Note that this is called very early in the process lifetime, so you should be
     799                 :             :  * careful about what global state you rely on here.
     800                 :             :  */
     801                 :        1653 : void InitLogging(const ArgsManager& args)
     802                 :             : {
     803                 :        1653 :     init::SetLoggingOptions(args);
     804                 :        1653 :     init::LogPackageVersion();
     805                 :        1653 : }
     806                 :             : 
     807                 :             : namespace { // Variables internal to initialization process only
     808                 :             : 
     809                 :             : int nMaxConnections;
     810                 :             : int available_fds;
     811                 :             : ServiceFlags g_local_services = ServiceFlags(NODE_NETWORK_LIMITED | NODE_WITNESS);
     812                 :             : int64_t peer_connect_timeout;
     813                 :             : std::set<BlockFilterType> g_enabled_filter_types;
     814                 :             : 
     815                 :             : } // namespace
     816                 :             : 
     817                 :           0 : [[noreturn]] static void new_handler_terminate()
     818                 :             : {
     819                 :             :     // Rather than throwing std::bad-alloc if allocation fails, terminate
     820                 :             :     // immediately to (try to) avoid chain corruption.
     821                 :             :     // Since logging may itself allocate memory, set the handler directly
     822                 :             :     // to terminate first.
     823                 :           0 :     std::set_new_handler(std::terminate);
     824                 :           0 :     LogError("Out of memory. Terminating.\n");
     825                 :             : 
     826                 :             :     // The log was successful, terminate now.
     827                 :           0 :     std::terminate();
     828                 :             : };
     829                 :             : 
     830                 :           0 : bool AppInitBasicSetup(const ArgsManager& args, std::atomic<int>& exit_status)
     831                 :             : {
     832                 :             :     // ********************************************************* Step 1: setup
     833                 :             : #ifdef _MSC_VER
     834                 :             :     // Turn off Microsoft heap dump noise
     835                 :             :     _CrtSetReportMode(_CRT_WARN, _CRTDBG_MODE_FILE);
     836                 :             :     _CrtSetReportFile(_CRT_WARN, CreateFileA("NUL", GENERIC_WRITE, 0, nullptr, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0));
     837                 :             :     // Disable confusing "helpful" text message on abort, Ctrl-C
     838                 :             :     _set_abort_behavior(0, _WRITE_ABORT_MSG | _CALL_REPORTFAULT);
     839                 :             : #endif
     840                 :             : #ifdef WIN32
     841                 :             :     // Enable heap terminate-on-corruption
     842                 :             :     HeapSetInformation(nullptr, HeapEnableTerminationOnCorruption, nullptr, 0);
     843                 :             : #endif
     844         [ #  # ]:           0 :     if (!SetupNetworking()) {
     845   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :         return InitError(Untranslated("Initializing networking failed."));
     846                 :             :     }
     847                 :             : 
     848                 :             : #ifndef WIN32
     849                 :             :     // Clean shutdown on SIGTERM
     850                 :           0 :     registerSignalHandler(SIGTERM, HandleSIGTERM);
     851                 :           0 :     registerSignalHandler(SIGINT, HandleSIGTERM);
     852                 :             : 
     853                 :             :     // Reopen debug.log on SIGHUP
     854                 :           0 :     registerSignalHandler(SIGHUP, HandleSIGHUP);
     855                 :             : 
     856                 :             :     // Ignore SIGPIPE, otherwise it will bring the daemon down if the client closes unexpectedly
     857                 :           0 :     signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);
     858                 :             : #else
     859                 :             :     SetConsoleCtrlHandler(consoleCtrlHandler, true);
     860                 :             : #endif
     861                 :             : 
     862                 :           0 :     std::set_new_handler(new_handler_terminate);
     863                 :             : 
     864                 :           0 :     return true;
     865                 :             : }
     866                 :             : 
     867                 :        1653 : bool AppInitParameterInteraction(const ArgsManager& args)
     868                 :             : {
     869                 :        1653 :     const CChainParams& chainparams = Params();
     870                 :             :     // ********************************************************* Step 2: parameter interactions
     871                 :             : 
     872                 :             :     // also see: InitParameterInteraction()
     873                 :             : 
     874                 :             :     // We drop UPnP support but kept the arg as hidden for now to display a friendlier error to user who have the
     875                 :             :     // option in their config. TODO: remove (here and above) for version 30.0.
     876   [ +  -  -  + ]:        1653 :     if (args.IsArgSet("-upnp")) {
     877         [ #  # ]:           0 :         InitWarning(_("Option '-upnp' is set but UPnP support was dropped in version 29.0. Consider using '-natpmp' instead."));
     878                 :             :     }
     879                 :             : 
     880                 :             :     // Error if network-specific options (-addnode, -connect, etc) are
     881                 :             :     // specified in default section of config file, but not overridden
     882                 :             :     // on the command line or in this chain's section of the config file.
     883                 :        1653 :     ChainType chain = args.GetChainType();
     884         [ -  + ]:        1653 :     if (chain == ChainType::SIGNET) {
     885         [ #  # ]:           0 :         LogPrintf("Signet derived magic (message start): %s\n", HexStr(chainparams.MessageStart()));
     886                 :             :     }
     887         [ +  - ]:        1653 :     bilingual_str errors;
     888   [ +  -  -  + ]:        1653 :     for (const auto& arg : args.GetUnsuitableSectionOnlyArgs()) {
     889   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :         errors += strprintf(_("Config setting for %s only applied on %s network when in [%s] section."), arg, ChainTypeToString(chain), ChainTypeToString(chain)) + Untranslated("\n");
          #  #  #  #  #  
             #  #  #  #  
                      # ]
     890                 :           0 :     }
     891                 :             : 
     892         [ -  + ]:        1653 :     if (!errors.empty()) {
     893         [ #  # ]:           0 :         return InitError(errors);
     894                 :             :     }
     895                 :             : 
     896                 :             :     // Testnet3 deprecation warning
     897         [ -  + ]:        1653 :     if (chain == ChainType::TESTNET) {
     898         [ #  # ]:           0 :         LogInfo("Warning: Support for testnet3 is deprecated and will be removed in an upcoming release. Consider switching to testnet4.\n");
     899                 :             :     }
     900                 :             : 
     901                 :             :     // Warn if unrecognized section name are present in the config file.
     902         [ +  - ]:        1653 :     bilingual_str warnings;
     903   [ +  -  -  + ]:        1653 :     for (const auto& section : args.GetUnrecognizedSections()) {
     904   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :         warnings += Untranslated(strprintf("%s:%i ", section.m_file, section.m_line)) + strprintf(_("Section [%s] is not recognized."), section.m_name) + Untranslated("\n");
          #  #  #  #  #  
          #  #  #  #  #  
                   #  # ]
     905                 :           0 :     }
     906                 :             : 
     907         [ -  + ]:        1653 :     if (!warnings.empty()) {
     908         [ #  # ]:           0 :         InitWarning(warnings);
     909                 :             :     }
     910                 :             : 
     911   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     if (!fs::is_directory(args.GetBlocksDirPath())) {
                   -  + ]
     912   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :         return InitError(strprintf(_("Specified blocks directory \"%s\" does not exist."), args.GetArg("-blocksdir", "")));
          #  #  #  #  #  
                #  #  # ]
     913                 :             :     }
     914                 :             : 
     915                 :             :     // parse and validate enabled filter types
     916   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     std::string blockfilterindex_value = args.GetArg("-blockfilterindex", DEFAULT_BLOCKFILTERINDEX);
                   +  - ]
     917   [ +  -  -  + ]:        1653 :     if (blockfilterindex_value == "" || blockfilterindex_value == "1") {
     918   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :         g_enabled_filter_types = AllBlockFilterTypes();
     919         [ -  + ]:        1653 :     } else if (blockfilterindex_value != "0") {
     920   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :         const std::vector<std::string> names = args.GetArgs("-blockfilterindex");
     921         [ #  # ]:           0 :         for (const auto& name : names) {
     922                 :           0 :             BlockFilterType filter_type;
     923   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :             if (!BlockFilterTypeByName(name, filter_type)) {
     924   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :                 return InitError(strprintf(_("Unknown -blockfilterindex value %s."), name));
                   #  # ]
     925                 :             :             }
     926         [ #  # ]:           0 :             g_enabled_filter_types.insert(filter_type);
     927                 :             :         }
     928                 :           0 :     }
     929                 :             : 
     930                 :             :     // Signal NODE_P2P_V2 if BIP324 v2 transport is enabled.
     931   [ +  -  +  -  :        1653 :     if (args.GetBoolArg("-v2transport", DEFAULT_V2_TRANSPORT)) {
                   +  - ]
     932                 :        1653 :         g_local_services = ServiceFlags(g_local_services | NODE_P2P_V2);
     933                 :             :     }
     934                 :             : 
     935                 :             :     // Signal NODE_COMPACT_FILTERS if peerblockfilters and basic filters index are both enabled.
     936   [ +  -  +  -  :        1653 :     if (args.GetBoolArg("-peerblockfilters", DEFAULT_PEERBLOCKFILTERS)) {
                   -  + ]
     937         [ #  # ]:           0 :         if (g_enabled_filter_types.count(BlockFilterType::BASIC) != 1) {
     938   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :             return InitError(_("Cannot set -peerblockfilters without -blockfilterindex."));
     939                 :             :         }
     940                 :             : 
     941                 :           0 :         g_local_services = ServiceFlags(g_local_services | NODE_COMPACT_FILTERS);
     942                 :             :     }
     943                 :             : 
     944   [ +  -  +  -  :        1653 :     if (args.GetIntArg("-prune", 0)) {
                   -  + ]
     945   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :         if (args.GetBoolArg("-txindex", DEFAULT_TXINDEX))
                   #  # ]
     946   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :             return InitError(_("Prune mode is incompatible with -txindex."));
     947   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :         if (args.GetBoolArg("-reindex-chainstate", false)) {
                   #  # ]
     948   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :             return InitError(_("Prune mode is incompatible with -reindex-chainstate. Use full -reindex instead."));
     949                 :             :         }
     950                 :             :     }
     951                 :             : 
     952                 :             :     // If -forcednsseed is set to true, ensure -dnsseed has not been set to false
     953   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     if (args.GetBoolArg("-forcednsseed", DEFAULT_FORCEDNSSEED) && !args.GetBoolArg("-dnsseed", DEFAULT_DNSSEED)){
          -  +  -  -  -  
          -  -  -  -  +  
                   -  - ]
     954   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :         return InitError(_("Cannot set -forcednsseed to true when setting -dnsseed to false."));
     955                 :             :     }
     956                 :             : 
     957                 :             :     // -bind and -whitebind can't be set when not listening
     958   [ +  -  +  -  :        1653 :     size_t nUserBind = args.GetArgs("-bind").size() + args.GetArgs("-whitebind").size();
             +  -  +  - ]
     959   [ -  +  -  -  :        1653 :     if (nUserBind != 0 && !args.GetBoolArg("-listen", DEFAULT_LISTEN)) {
          -  -  -  -  -  
                      + ]
     960   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :         return InitError(Untranslated("Cannot set -bind or -whitebind together with -listen=0"));
                   #  # ]
     961                 :             :     }
     962                 :             : 
     963                 :             :     // if listen=0, then disallow listenonion=1
     964   [ +  -  +  -  :        3306 :     if (!args.GetBoolArg("-listen", DEFAULT_LISTEN) && args.GetBoolArg("-listenonion", DEFAULT_LISTEN_ONION)) {
          -  +  -  -  -  
          -  -  -  -  +  
                   -  - ]
     965   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :         return InitError(Untranslated("Cannot set -listen=0 together with -listenonion=1"));
                   #  # ]
     966                 :             :     }
     967                 :             : 
     968                 :             :     // Make sure enough file descriptors are available. We need to reserve enough FDs to account for the bare minimum,
     969                 :             :     // plus all manual connections and all bound interfaces. Any remainder will be available for connection sockets
     970                 :             : 
     971                 :             :     // Number of bound interfaces (we have at least one)
     972         [ -  + ]:        1653 :     int nBind = std::max(nUserBind, size_t(1));
     973                 :             :     // Maximum number of connections with other nodes, this accounts for all types of outbounds and inbounds except for manual
     974   [ +  -  +  - ]:        1653 :     int user_max_connection = args.GetIntArg("-maxconnections", DEFAULT_MAX_PEER_CONNECTIONS);
     975         [ -  + ]:        1653 :     if (user_max_connection < 0) {
     976   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :         return InitError(Untranslated("-maxconnections must be greater or equal than zero"));
                   #  # ]
     977                 :             :     }
     978                 :             :     // Reserve enough FDs to account for the bare minimum, plus any manual connections, plus the bound interfaces
     979                 :        1653 :     int min_required_fds = MIN_CORE_FDS + MAX_ADDNODE_CONNECTIONS + nBind;
     980                 :             : 
     981                 :             :     // Try raising the FD limit to what we need (available_fds may be smaller than the requested amount if this fails)
     982         [ +  - ]:        1653 :     available_fds = RaiseFileDescriptorLimit(user_max_connection + min_required_fds);
     983                 :             :     // If we are using select instead of poll, our actual limit may be even smaller
     984                 :             : #ifndef USE_POLL
     985                 :             :     available_fds = std::min(FD_SETSIZE, available_fds);
     986                 :             : #endif
     987         [ -  + ]:        1653 :     if (available_fds < min_required_fds)
     988   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :         return InitError(strprintf(_("Not enough file descriptors available. %d available, %d required."), available_fds, min_required_fds));
                   #  # ]
     989                 :             : 
     990                 :             :     // Trim requested connection counts, to fit into system limitations
     991         [ -  + ]:        1653 :     nMaxConnections = std::min(available_fds - min_required_fds, user_max_connection);
     992                 :             : 
     993         [ -  + ]:        1653 :     if (nMaxConnections < user_max_connection)
     994   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :         InitWarning(strprintf(_("Reducing -maxconnections from %d to %d, because of system limitations."), user_max_connection, nMaxConnections));
                   #  # ]
     995                 :             : 
     996                 :             :     // ********************************************************* Step 3: parameter-to-internal-flags
     997   [ +  -  -  +  :        1653 :     if (auto result{init::SetLoggingCategories(args)}; !result) return InitError(util::ErrorString(result));
             -  -  -  - ]
     998   [ +  -  -  +  :        1653 :     if (auto result{init::SetLoggingLevel(args)}; !result) return InitError(util::ErrorString(result));
             -  -  -  - ]
     999                 :             : 
    1000   [ +  -  +  - ]:        1653 :     nConnectTimeout = args.GetIntArg("-timeout", DEFAULT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT);
    1001         [ -  + ]:        1653 :     if (nConnectTimeout <= 0) {
    1002                 :           0 :         nConnectTimeout = DEFAULT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT;
    1003                 :             :     }
    1004                 :             : 
    1005   [ +  -  +  - ]:        1653 :     peer_connect_timeout = args.GetIntArg("-peertimeout", DEFAULT_PEER_CONNECT_TIMEOUT);
    1006         [ -  + ]:        1653 :     if (peer_connect_timeout <= 0) {
    1007   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :         return InitError(Untranslated("peertimeout must be a positive integer."));
                   #  # ]
    1008                 :             :     }
    1009                 :             : 
    1010                 :             :     // Sanity check argument for min fee for including tx in block
    1011                 :             :     // TODO: Harmonize which arguments need sanity checking and where that happens
    1012   [ +  -  +  -  :        1653 :     if (args.IsArgSet("-blockmintxfee")) {
                   -  + ]
    1013   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :         if (!ParseMoney(args.GetArg("-blockmintxfee", ""))) {
          #  #  #  #  #  
                      # ]
    1014   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :             return InitError(AmountErrMsg("blockmintxfee", args.GetArg("-blockmintxfee", "")));
          #  #  #  #  #  
                #  #  # ]
    1015                 :             :         }
    1016                 :             :     }
    1017                 :             : 
    1018   [ +  -  +  - ]:        1653 :     nBytesPerSigOp = args.GetIntArg("-bytespersigop", nBytesPerSigOp);
    1019                 :             : 
    1020   [ +  -  +  - ]:        1653 :     if (!g_wallet_init_interface.ParameterInteraction()) return false;
    1021                 :             : 
    1022                 :             :     // Option to startup with mocktime set (used for regression testing):
    1023   [ +  -  +  -  :        1653 :     SetMockTime(args.GetIntArg("-mocktime", 0)); // SetMockTime(0) is a no-op
                   +  - ]
    1024                 :             : 
    1025   [ +  -  +  -  :        1653 :     if (args.GetBoolArg("-peerbloomfilters", DEFAULT_PEERBLOOMFILTERS))
                   -  + ]
    1026                 :           0 :         g_local_services = ServiceFlags(g_local_services | NODE_BLOOM);
    1027                 :             : 
    1028   [ +  -  +  -  :        1653 :     if (args.IsArgSet("-test")) {
                   -  + ]
    1029         [ #  # ]:           0 :         if (chainparams.GetChainType() != ChainType::REGTEST) {
    1030   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :             return InitError(Untranslated("-test=<option> can only be used with regtest"));
                   #  # ]
    1031                 :             :         }
    1032   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :         const std::vector<std::string> options = args.GetArgs("-test");
    1033         [ #  # ]:           0 :         for (const std::string& option : options) {
    1034         [ #  # ]:           0 :             auto it = std::find_if(TEST_OPTIONS_DOC.begin(), TEST_OPTIONS_DOC.end(), [&option](const std::string& doc_option) {
    1035                 :           0 :                 size_t pos = doc_option.find(" (");
    1036   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :                 return (pos != std::string::npos) && (doc_option.substr(0, pos) == option);
    1037                 :             :             });
    1038         [ #  # ]:           0 :             if (it == TEST_OPTIONS_DOC.end()) {
    1039   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :                 InitWarning(strprintf(_("Unrecognised option \"%s\" provided in -test=<option>."), option));
                   #  # ]
    1040                 :             :             }
    1041                 :             :         }
    1042                 :           0 :     }
    1043                 :             : 
    1044                 :             :     // Also report errors from parsing before daemonization
    1045                 :        1653 :     {
    1046                 :        1653 :         kernel::Notifications notifications{};
    1047                 :        1653 :         ChainstateManager::Options chainman_opts_dummy{
    1048                 :             :             .chainparams = chainparams,
    1049                 :             :             .datadir = args.GetDataDirNet(),
    1050                 :             :             .notifications = notifications,
    1051         [ +  - ]:        1653 :         };
    1052         [ +  - ]:        1653 :         auto chainman_result{ApplyArgsManOptions(args, chainman_opts_dummy)};
    1053         [ -  + ]:        1653 :         if (!chainman_result) {
    1054   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :             return InitError(util::ErrorString(chainman_result));
    1055                 :             :         }
    1056                 :        1653 :         BlockManager::Options blockman_opts_dummy{
    1057                 :        1653 :             .chainparams = chainman_opts_dummy.chainparams,
    1058                 :             :             .blocks_dir = args.GetBlocksDirPath(),
    1059                 :        1653 :             .notifications = chainman_opts_dummy.notifications,
    1060         [ +  - ]:        1653 :         };
    1061         [ +  - ]:        1653 :         auto blockman_result{ApplyArgsManOptions(args, blockman_opts_dummy)};
    1062         [ -  + ]:        1653 :         if (!blockman_result) {
    1063   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :             return InitError(util::ErrorString(blockman_result));
    1064                 :             :         }
    1065         [ +  - ]:        1653 :         CTxMemPool::Options mempool_opts{};
    1066         [ +  - ]:        1653 :         auto mempool_result{ApplyArgsManOptions(args, chainparams, mempool_opts)};
    1067         [ -  + ]:        1653 :         if (!mempool_result) {
    1068   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :             return InitError(util::ErrorString(mempool_result));
    1069                 :             :         }
    1070                 :        4959 :     }
    1071                 :             : 
    1072                 :        1653 :     return true;
    1073                 :        4959 : }
    1074                 :             : 
    1075                 :           0 : static bool LockDataDirectory(bool probeOnly)
    1076                 :             : {
    1077                 :             :     // Make sure only a single Bitcoin process is using the data directory.
    1078                 :           0 :     const fs::path& datadir = gArgs.GetDataDirNet();
    1079   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :     switch (util::LockDirectory(datadir, ".lock", probeOnly)) {
             #  #  #  # ]
    1080                 :           0 :     case util::LockResult::ErrorWrite:
    1081   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :         return InitError(strprintf(_("Cannot write to data directory '%s'; check permissions."), fs::PathToString(datadir)));
             #  #  #  # ]
    1082                 :           0 :     case util::LockResult::ErrorLock:
    1083   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :         return InitError(strprintf(_("Cannot obtain a lock on data directory %s. %s is probably already running."), fs::PathToString(datadir), CLIENT_NAME));
             #  #  #  # ]
    1084                 :             :     case util::LockResult::Success: return true;
    1085                 :             :     } // no default case, so the compiler can warn about missing cases
    1086                 :           0 :     assert(false);
    1087                 :           0 : }
    1088                 :             : 
    1089                 :           0 : bool AppInitSanityChecks(const kernel::Context& kernel)
    1090                 :             : {
    1091                 :             :     // ********************************************************* Step 4: sanity checks
    1092                 :           0 :     auto result{kernel::SanityChecks(kernel)};
    1093         [ #  # ]:           0 :     if (!result) {
    1094   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :         InitError(util::ErrorString(result));
    1095   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :         return InitError(strprintf(_("Initialization sanity check failed. %s is shutting down."), CLIENT_NAME));
                   #  # ]
    1096                 :             :     }
    1097                 :             : 
    1098   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :     if (!ECC_InitSanityCheck()) {
    1099   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :         return InitError(strprintf(_("Elliptic curve cryptography sanity check failure. %s is shutting down."), CLIENT_NAME));
                   #  # ]
    1100                 :             :     }
    1101                 :             : 
    1102                 :             :     // Probe the data directory lock to give an early error message, if possible
    1103                 :             :     // We cannot hold the data directory lock here, as the forking for daemon() hasn't yet happened,
    1104                 :             :     // and a fork will cause weird behavior to it.
    1105         [ #  # ]:           0 :     return LockDataDirectory(true);
    1106                 :           0 : }
    1107                 :             : 
    1108                 :           0 : bool AppInitLockDataDirectory()
    1109                 :             : {
    1110                 :             :     // After daemonization get the data directory lock again and hold on to it until exit
    1111                 :             :     // This creates a slight window for a race condition to happen, however this condition is harmless: it
    1112                 :             :     // will at most make us exit without printing a message to console.
    1113         [ #  # ]:           0 :     if (!LockDataDirectory(false)) {
    1114                 :             :         // Detailed error printed inside LockDataDirectory
    1115                 :           0 :         return false;
    1116                 :             :     }
    1117                 :             :     return true;
    1118                 :             : }
    1119                 :             : 
    1120                 :           0 : bool AppInitInterfaces(NodeContext& node)
    1121                 :             : {
    1122                 :           0 :     node.chain = node.init->makeChain();
    1123                 :           0 :     node.mining = node.init->makeMining();
    1124                 :           0 :     return true;
    1125                 :             : }
    1126                 :             : 
    1127                 :           0 : bool CheckHostPortOptions(const ArgsManager& args) {
    1128                 :           0 :     for (const std::string port_option : {
    1129                 :             :         "-port",
    1130                 :             :         "-rpcport",
    1131         [ #  # ]:           0 :     }) {
    1132   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :         if (args.IsArgSet(port_option)) {
    1133   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :             const std::string port = args.GetArg(port_option, "");
    1134                 :           0 :             uint16_t n;
    1135   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :             if (!ParseUInt16(port, &n) || n == 0) {
                   #  # ]
    1136   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :                 return InitError(InvalidPortErrMsg(port_option, port));
    1137                 :             :             }
    1138                 :           0 :         }
    1139                 :           0 :     }
    1140                 :             : 
    1141                 :           0 :     for ([[maybe_unused]] const auto& [arg, unix] : std::vector<std::pair<std::string, bool>>{
    1142                 :             :         // arg name            UNIX socket support
    1143                 :             :         {"-i2psam",                 false},
    1144                 :             :         {"-onion",                  true},
    1145                 :             :         {"-proxy",                  true},
    1146                 :             :         {"-rpcbind",                false},
    1147                 :             :         {"-torcontrol",             false},
    1148                 :             :         {"-whitebind",              false},
    1149                 :             :         {"-zmqpubhashblock",        true},
    1150                 :             :         {"-zmqpubhashtx",           true},
    1151                 :             :         {"-zmqpubrawblock",         true},
    1152                 :             :         {"-zmqpubrawtx",            true},
    1153                 :             :         {"-zmqpubsequence",         true},
    1154   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :     }) {
             #  #  #  # ]
    1155   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :         for (const std::string& socket_addr : args.GetArgs(arg)) {
    1156         [ #  # ]:           0 :             std::string host_out;
    1157                 :           0 :             uint16_t port_out{0};
    1158   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :             if (!SplitHostPort(socket_addr, port_out, host_out)) {
    1159                 :             : #ifdef HAVE_SOCKADDR_UN
    1160                 :             :                 // Allow unix domain sockets for some options e.g. unix:/some/file/path
    1161   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :                 if (!unix || !socket_addr.starts_with(ADDR_PREFIX_UNIX)) {
    1162   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :                     return InitError(InvalidPortErrMsg(arg, socket_addr));
    1163                 :             :                 }
    1164                 :             : #else
    1165                 :             :                 return InitError(InvalidPortErrMsg(arg, socket_addr));
    1166                 :             : #endif
    1167                 :             :             }
    1168                 :           0 :         }
    1169                 :           0 :     }
    1170                 :             : 
    1171                 :           0 :     return true;
    1172   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 : }
          #  #  #  #  #  
          #  #  #  #  #  
          #  #  #  #  #  
          #  #  #  #  #  
                   #  # ]
    1173                 :             : 
    1174                 :             : // A GUI user may opt to retry once with do_reindex set if there is a failure during chainstate initialization.
    1175                 :             : // The function therefore has to support re-entry.
    1176                 :           0 : static ChainstateLoadResult InitAndLoadChainstate(
    1177                 :             :     NodeContext& node,
    1178                 :             :     bool do_reindex,
    1179                 :             :     const bool do_reindex_chainstate,
    1180                 :             :     CacheSizes& cache_sizes,
    1181                 :             :     const ArgsManager& args)
    1182                 :             : {
    1183                 :           0 :     const CChainParams& chainparams = Params();
    1184         [ #  # ]:           0 :     CTxMemPool::Options mempool_opts{
    1185         [ #  # ]:           0 :         .check_ratio = chainparams.DefaultConsistencyChecks() ? 1 : 0,
    1186                 :           0 :         .signals = node.validation_signals.get(),
    1187                 :           0 :     };
    1188         [ #  # ]:           0 :     Assert(ApplyArgsManOptions(args, chainparams, mempool_opts)); // no error can happen, already checked in AppInitParameterInteraction
    1189         [ #  # ]:           0 :     bilingual_str mempool_error;
    1190         [ #  # ]:           0 :     node.mempool = std::make_unique<CTxMemPool>(mempool_opts, mempool_error);
    1191         [ #  # ]:           0 :     if (!mempool_error.empty()) {
    1192         [ #  # ]:           0 :         return {ChainstateLoadStatus::FAILURE_FATAL, mempool_error};
    1193                 :             :     }
    1194         [ #  # ]:           0 :     LogPrintf("* Using %.1f MiB for in-memory UTXO set (plus up to %.1f MiB of unused mempool space)\n", cache_sizes.coins * (1.0 / 1024 / 1024), mempool_opts.max_size_bytes * (1.0 / 1024 / 1024));
    1195                 :           0 :     ChainstateManager::Options chainman_opts{
    1196                 :             :         .chainparams = chainparams,
    1197                 :             :         .datadir = args.GetDataDirNet(),
    1198         [ #  # ]:           0 :         .notifications = *node.notifications,
    1199                 :           0 :         .signals = node.validation_signals.get(),
    1200         [ #  # ]:           0 :     };
    1201   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :     Assert(ApplyArgsManOptions(args, chainman_opts)); // no error can happen, already checked in AppInitParameterInteraction
    1202                 :           0 :     BlockManager::Options blockman_opts{
    1203                 :           0 :         .chainparams = chainman_opts.chainparams,
    1204                 :             :         .blocks_dir = args.GetBlocksDirPath(),
    1205                 :           0 :         .notifications = chainman_opts.notifications,
    1206         [ #  # ]:           0 :     };
    1207   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :     Assert(ApplyArgsManOptions(args, blockman_opts)); // no error can happen, already checked in AppInitParameterInteraction
    1208                 :           0 :     try {
    1209   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :         node.chainman = std::make_unique<ChainstateManager>(*Assert(node.shutdown_signal), chainman_opts, blockman_opts);
    1210         [ -  - ]:           0 :     } catch (std::exception& e) {
    1211   [ -  -  -  - ]:           0 :         return {ChainstateLoadStatus::FAILURE_FATAL, Untranslated(strprintf("Failed to initialize ChainstateManager: %s", e.what()))};
    1212                 :           0 :     }
    1213                 :           0 :     ChainstateManager& chainman = *node.chainman;
    1214                 :             :     // This is defined and set here instead of inline in validation.h to avoid a hard
    1215                 :             :     // dependency between validation and index/base, since the latter is not in
    1216                 :             :     // libbitcoinkernel.
    1217                 :           0 :     chainman.snapshot_download_completed = [&node]() {
    1218         [ #  # ]:           0 :         if (!node.chainman->m_blockman.IsPruneMode()) {
    1219                 :           0 :             LogPrintf("[snapshot] re-enabling NODE_NETWORK services\n");
    1220                 :           0 :             node.connman->AddLocalServices(NODE_NETWORK);
    1221                 :             :         }
    1222                 :           0 :         LogPrintf("[snapshot] restarting indexes\n");
    1223                 :             :         // Drain the validation interface queue to ensure that the old indexes
    1224                 :             :         // don't have any pending work.
    1225                 :           0 :         Assert(node.validation_signals)->SyncWithValidationInterfaceQueue();
    1226         [ #  # ]:           0 :         for (auto* index : node.indexes) {
    1227                 :           0 :             index->Interrupt();
    1228                 :           0 :             index->Stop();
    1229   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :             if (!(index->Init() && index->StartBackgroundSync())) {
    1230                 :           0 :                 LogPrintf("[snapshot] WARNING failed to restart index %s on snapshot chain\n", index->GetName());
    1231                 :             :             }
    1232                 :             :         }
    1233                 :           0 :     };
    1234         [ #  # ]:           0 :     node::ChainstateLoadOptions options;
    1235         [ #  # ]:           0 :     options.mempool = Assert(node.mempool.get());
    1236                 :           0 :     options.wipe_block_tree_db = do_reindex;
    1237                 :           0 :     options.wipe_chainstate_db = do_reindex || do_reindex_chainstate;
    1238         [ #  # ]:           0 :     options.prune = chainman.m_blockman.IsPruneMode();
    1239   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :     options.check_blocks = args.GetIntArg("-checkblocks", DEFAULT_CHECKBLOCKS);
    1240   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :     options.check_level = args.GetIntArg("-checklevel", DEFAULT_CHECKLEVEL);
    1241   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :     options.require_full_verification = args.IsArgSet("-checkblocks") || args.IsArgSet("-checklevel");
          #  #  #  #  #  
             #  #  #  #  
                      # ]
    1242                 :           0 :     options.coins_error_cb = [] {
    1243         [ #  # ]:           0 :         uiInterface.ThreadSafeMessageBox(
    1244         [ #  # ]:           0 :             _("Error reading from database, shutting down."),
    1245                 :             :             "", CClientUIInterface::MSG_ERROR);
    1246                 :           0 :     };
    1247   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :     uiInterface.InitMessage(_("Loading block index…").translated);
    1248                 :           0 :     const auto load_block_index_start_time{SteadyClock::now()};
    1249                 :           0 :     auto catch_exceptions = [](auto&& f) {
    1250                 :             :         try {
    1251         [ #  # ]:           0 :             return f();
    1252         [ -  - ]:           0 :         } catch (const std::exception& e) {
    1253         [ -  - ]:           0 :             LogError("%s\n", e.what());
    1254         [ -  - ]:           0 :             return std::make_tuple(node::ChainstateLoadStatus::FAILURE, _("Error loading databases"));
    1255                 :             :         }
    1256                 :             :     };
    1257   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :     auto [status, error] = catch_exceptions([&] { return LoadChainstate(chainman, cache_sizes, options); });
    1258         [ #  # ]:           0 :     if (status == node::ChainstateLoadStatus::SUCCESS) {
    1259   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :         uiInterface.InitMessage(_("Verifying blocks…").translated);
    1260   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :         if (chainman.m_blockman.m_have_pruned && options.check_blocks > MIN_BLOCKS_TO_KEEP) {
    1261         [ #  # ]:           0 :             LogWarning("pruned datadir may not have more than %d blocks; only checking available blocks\n",
    1262                 :             :                        MIN_BLOCKS_TO_KEEP);
    1263                 :             :         }
    1264   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :         std::tie(status, error) = catch_exceptions([&] { return VerifyLoadedChainstate(chainman, options); });
    1265         [ #  # ]:           0 :         if (status == node::ChainstateLoadStatus::SUCCESS) {
    1266         [ #  # ]:           0 :             LogPrintf(" block index %15dms\n", Ticks<std::chrono::milliseconds>(SteadyClock::now() - load_block_index_start_time));
    1267                 :             :         }
    1268                 :             :     }
    1269         [ #  # ]:           0 :     return {status, error};
    1270                 :           0 : };
    1271                 :             : 
    1272                 :           0 : bool AppInitMain(NodeContext& node, interfaces::BlockAndHeaderTipInfo* tip_info)
    1273                 :             : {
    1274                 :           0 :     const ArgsManager& args = *Assert(node.args);
    1275                 :           0 :     const CChainParams& chainparams = Params();
    1276                 :             : 
    1277   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :     auto opt_max_upload = ParseByteUnits(args.GetArg("-maxuploadtarget", DEFAULT_MAX_UPLOAD_TARGET), ByteUnit::M);
    1278         [ #  # ]:           0 :     if (!opt_max_upload) {
    1279   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :         return InitError(strprintf(_("Unable to parse -maxuploadtarget: '%s'"), args.GetArg("-maxuploadtarget", "")));
          #  #  #  #  #  
                      # ]
    1280                 :             :     }
    1281                 :             : 
    1282                 :             :     // ********************************************************* Step 4a: application initialization
    1283         [ #  # ]:           0 :     if (!CreatePidFile(args)) {
    1284                 :             :         // Detailed error printed inside CreatePidFile().
    1285                 :             :         return false;
    1286                 :             :     }
    1287         [ #  # ]:           0 :     if (!init::StartLogging(args)) {
    1288                 :             :         // Detailed error printed inside StartLogging().
    1289                 :             :         return false;
    1290                 :             :     }
    1291                 :             : 
    1292                 :           0 :     LogPrintf("Using at most %i automatic connections (%i file descriptors available)\n", nMaxConnections, available_fds);
    1293                 :             : 
    1294                 :             :     // Warn about relative -datadir path.
    1295   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :     if (args.IsArgSet("-datadir") && !args.GetPathArg("-datadir").is_absolute()) {
          #  #  #  #  #  
          #  #  #  #  #  
          #  #  #  #  #  
             #  #  #  #  
                      # ]
    1296   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :         LogPrintf("Warning: relative datadir option '%s' specified, which will be interpreted relative to the "
          #  #  #  #  #  
                      # ]
    1297                 :             :                   "current working directory '%s'. This is fragile, because if bitcoin is started in the future "
    1298                 :             :                   "from a different location, it will be unable to locate the current data files. There could "
    1299                 :             :                   "also be data loss if bitcoin is started while in a temporary directory.\n",
    1300                 :             :                   args.GetArg("-datadir", ""), fs::PathToString(fs::current_path()));
    1301                 :             :     }
    1302                 :             : 
    1303         [ #  # ]:           0 :     assert(!node.scheduler);
    1304                 :           0 :     node.scheduler = std::make_unique<CScheduler>();
    1305                 :           0 :     auto& scheduler = *node.scheduler;
    1306                 :             : 
    1307                 :             :     // Start the lightweight task scheduler thread
    1308                 :           0 :     scheduler.m_service_thread = std::thread(util::TraceThread, "scheduler", [&] { scheduler.serviceQueue(); });
    1309                 :             : 
    1310                 :             :     // Gather some entropy once per minute.
    1311         [ #  # ]:           0 :     scheduler.scheduleEvery([]{
    1312                 :           0 :         RandAddPeriodic();
    1313                 :           0 :     }, std::chrono::minutes{1});
    1314                 :             : 
    1315                 :             :     // Check disk space every 5 minutes to avoid db corruption.
    1316         [ #  # ]:           0 :     scheduler.scheduleEvery([&args, &node]{
    1317                 :           0 :         constexpr uint64_t min_disk_space = 50 << 20; // 50 MB
    1318   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :         if (!CheckDiskSpace(args.GetBlocksDirPath(), min_disk_space)) {
    1319                 :           0 :             LogError("Shutting down due to lack of disk space!\n");
    1320         [ #  # ]:           0 :             if (!(Assert(node.shutdown_request))()) {
    1321                 :           0 :                 LogError("Failed to send shutdown signal after disk space check\n");
    1322                 :             :             }
    1323                 :             :         }
    1324                 :           0 :     }, std::chrono::minutes{5});
    1325                 :             : 
    1326         [ #  # ]:           0 :     assert(!node.validation_signals);
    1327         [ #  # ]:           0 :     node.validation_signals = std::make_unique<ValidationSignals>(std::make_unique<SerialTaskRunner>(scheduler));
    1328                 :           0 :     auto& validation_signals = *node.validation_signals;
    1329                 :             : 
    1330                 :             :     // Create client interfaces for wallets that are supposed to be loaded
    1331                 :             :     // according to -wallet and -disablewallet options. This only constructs
    1332                 :             :     // the interfaces, it doesn't load wallet data. Wallets actually get loaded
    1333                 :             :     // when load() and start() interface methods are called below.
    1334                 :           0 :     g_wallet_init_interface.Construct(node);
    1335                 :           0 :     uiInterface.InitWallet();
    1336                 :             : 
    1337         [ #  # ]:           0 :     if (interfaces::Ipc* ipc = node.init->ipc()) {
    1338   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :         for (std::string address : gArgs.GetArgs("-ipcbind")) {
                   #  # ]
    1339                 :           0 :             try {
    1340         [ #  # ]:           0 :                 ipc->listenAddress(address);
    1341         [ -  - ]:           0 :             } catch (const std::exception& e) {
    1342   [ -  -  -  -  :           0 :                 return InitError(Untranslated(strprintf("Unable to bind to IPC address '%s'. %s", address, e.what())));
                   -  - ]
    1343                 :           0 :             }
    1344         [ #  # ]:           0 :             LogPrintf("Listening for IPC requests on address %s\n", address);
    1345                 :           0 :         }
    1346                 :             :     }
    1347                 :             : 
    1348                 :             :     /* Register RPC commands regardless of -server setting so they will be
    1349                 :             :      * available in the GUI RPC console even if external calls are disabled.
    1350                 :             :      */
    1351                 :           0 :     RegisterAllCoreRPCCommands(tableRPC);
    1352         [ #  # ]:           0 :     for (const auto& client : node.chain_clients) {
    1353                 :           0 :         client->registerRpcs();
    1354                 :             :     }
    1355                 :             : #ifdef ENABLE_ZMQ
    1356                 :             :     RegisterZMQRPCCommands(tableRPC);
    1357                 :             : #endif
    1358                 :             : 
    1359                 :             :     // Check port numbers
    1360         [ #  # ]:           0 :     if (!CheckHostPortOptions(args)) return false;
    1361                 :             : 
    1362                 :             :     /* Start the RPC server already.  It will be started in "warmup" mode
    1363                 :             :      * and not really process calls already (but it will signify connections
    1364                 :             :      * that the server is there and will be ready later).  Warmup mode will
    1365                 :             :      * be disabled when initialisation is finished.
    1366                 :             :      */
    1367   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :     if (args.GetBoolArg("-server", false)) {
    1368         [ #  # ]:           0 :         uiInterface.InitMessage_connect(SetRPCWarmupStatus);
    1369         [ #  # ]:           0 :         if (!AppInitServers(node))
    1370         [ #  # ]:           0 :             return InitError(_("Unable to start HTTP server. See debug log for details."));
    1371                 :             :     }
    1372                 :             : 
    1373                 :             :     // ********************************************************* Step 5: verify wallet database integrity
    1374         [ #  # ]:           0 :     for (const auto& client : node.chain_clients) {
    1375         [ #  # ]:           0 :         if (!client->verify()) {
    1376                 :             :             return false;
    1377                 :             :         }
    1378                 :             :     }
    1379                 :             : 
    1380                 :             :     // ********************************************************* Step 6: network initialization
    1381                 :             :     // Note that we absolutely cannot open any actual connections
    1382                 :             :     // until the very end ("start node") as the UTXO/block state
    1383                 :             :     // is not yet setup and may end up being set up twice if we
    1384                 :             :     // need to reindex later.
    1385                 :             : 
    1386         [ #  # ]:           0 :     fListen = args.GetBoolArg("-listen", DEFAULT_LISTEN);
    1387         [ #  # ]:           0 :     fDiscover = args.GetBoolArg("-discover", true);
    1388                 :             : 
    1389                 :           0 :     PeerManager::Options peerman_opts{};
    1390                 :           0 :     ApplyArgsManOptions(args, peerman_opts);
    1391                 :             : 
    1392                 :           0 :     {
    1393                 :             : 
    1394                 :             :         // Read asmap file if configured
    1395                 :           0 :         std::vector<bool> asmap;
    1396   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :         if (args.IsArgSet("-asmap")) {
                   #  # ]
    1397   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :             fs::path asmap_path = args.GetPathArg("-asmap", DEFAULT_ASMAP_FILENAME);
                   #  # ]
    1398         [ #  # ]:           0 :             if (!asmap_path.is_absolute()) {
    1399   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :                 asmap_path = args.GetDataDirNet() / asmap_path;
    1400                 :             :             }
    1401   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :             if (!fs::exists(asmap_path)) {
    1402   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :                 InitError(strprintf(_("Could not find asmap file %s"), fs::quoted(fs::PathToString(asmap_path))));
             #  #  #  # ]
    1403                 :           0 :                 return false;
    1404                 :             :             }
    1405   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :             asmap = DecodeAsmap(asmap_path);
    1406         [ #  # ]:           0 :             if (asmap.size() == 0) {
    1407   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :                 InitError(strprintf(_("Could not parse asmap file %s"), fs::quoted(fs::PathToString(asmap_path))));
             #  #  #  # ]
    1408                 :           0 :                 return false;
    1409                 :             :             }
    1410   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :             const uint256 asmap_version = (HashWriter{} << asmap).GetHash();
                   #  # ]
    1411   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :             LogPrintf("Using asmap version %s for IP bucketing\n", asmap_version.ToString());
    1412                 :           0 :         } else {
    1413         [ #  # ]:           0 :             LogPrintf("Using /16 prefix for IP bucketing\n");
    1414                 :             :         }
    1415                 :             : 
    1416                 :             :         // Initialize netgroup manager
    1417         [ #  # ]:           0 :         assert(!node.netgroupman);
    1418         [ #  # ]:           0 :         node.netgroupman = std::make_unique<NetGroupManager>(std::move(asmap));
    1419                 :             : 
    1420                 :             :         // Initialize addrman
    1421         [ #  # ]:           0 :         assert(!node.addrman);
    1422   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :         uiInterface.InitMessage(_("Loading P2P addresses…").translated);
    1423         [ #  # ]:           0 :         auto addrman{LoadAddrman(*node.netgroupman, args)};
    1424   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :         if (!addrman) return InitError(util::ErrorString(addrman));
                   #  # ]
    1425                 :           0 :         node.addrman = std::move(*addrman);
    1426                 :           0 :     }
    1427                 :             : 
    1428                 :           0 :     FastRandomContext rng;
    1429         [ #  # ]:           0 :     assert(!node.banman);
    1430   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :     node.banman = std::make_unique<BanMan>(args.GetDataDirNet() / "banlist", &uiInterface, args.GetIntArg("-bantime", DEFAULT_MISBEHAVING_BANTIME));
          #  #  #  #  #  
                      # ]
    1431         [ #  # ]:           0 :     assert(!node.connman);
    1432   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :     node.connman = std::make_unique<CConnman>(rng.rand64(),
    1433                 :           0 :                                               rng.rand64(),
    1434   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :                                               *node.addrman, *node.netgroupman, chainparams, args.GetBoolArg("-networkactive", true));
    1435                 :             : 
    1436         [ #  # ]:           0 :     assert(!node.fee_estimator);
    1437                 :             :     // Don't initialize fee estimation with old data if we don't relay transactions,
    1438                 :             :     // as they would never get updated.
    1439         [ #  # ]:           0 :     if (!peerman_opts.ignore_incoming_txs) {
    1440   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :         bool read_stale_estimates = args.GetBoolArg("-acceptstalefeeestimates", DEFAULT_ACCEPT_STALE_FEE_ESTIMATES);
    1441   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :         if (read_stale_estimates && (chainparams.GetChainType() != ChainType::REGTEST)) {
    1442   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :             return InitError(strprintf(_("acceptstalefeeestimates is not supported on %s chain."), chainparams.GetChainTypeString()));
             #  #  #  # ]
    1443                 :             :         }
    1444   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :         node.fee_estimator = std::make_unique<CBlockPolicyEstimator>(FeeestPath(args), read_stale_estimates);
    1445                 :             : 
    1446                 :             :         // Flush estimates to disk periodically
    1447                 :           0 :         CBlockPolicyEstimator* fee_estimator = node.fee_estimator.get();
    1448         [ #  # ]:           0 :         scheduler.scheduleEvery([fee_estimator] { fee_estimator->FlushFeeEstimates(); }, FEE_FLUSH_INTERVAL);
    1449         [ #  # ]:           0 :         validation_signals.RegisterValidationInterface(fee_estimator);
    1450                 :             :     }
    1451                 :             : 
    1452   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :     for (const std::string& socket_addr : args.GetArgs("-bind")) {
                   #  # ]
    1453         [ #  # ]:           0 :         std::string host_out;
    1454                 :           0 :         uint16_t port_out{0};
    1455         [ #  # ]:           0 :         std::string bind_socket_addr = socket_addr.substr(0, socket_addr.rfind('='));
    1456   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :         if (!SplitHostPort(bind_socket_addr, port_out, host_out)) {
    1457   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :             return InitError(InvalidPortErrMsg("-bind", socket_addr));
                   #  # ]
    1458                 :             :         }
    1459                 :           0 :     }
    1460                 :             : 
    1461                 :             :     // sanitize comments per BIP-0014, format user agent and check total size
    1462                 :           0 :     std::vector<std::string> uacomments;
    1463   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :     for (const std::string& cmt : args.GetArgs("-uacomment")) {
                   #  # ]
    1464   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :         if (cmt != SanitizeString(cmt, SAFE_CHARS_UA_COMMENT))
    1465   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :             return InitError(strprintf(_("User Agent comment (%s) contains unsafe characters."), cmt));
                   #  # ]
    1466         [ #  # ]:           0 :         uacomments.push_back(cmt);
    1467                 :           0 :     }
    1468         [ #  # ]:           0 :     strSubVersion = FormatSubVersion(UA_NAME, CLIENT_VERSION, uacomments);
    1469         [ #  # ]:           0 :     if (strSubVersion.size() > MAX_SUBVERSION_LENGTH) {
    1470   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :         return InitError(strprintf(_("Total length of network version string (%i) exceeds maximum length (%i). Reduce the number or size of uacomments."),
    1471         [ #  # ]:           0 :             strSubVersion.size(), MAX_SUBVERSION_LENGTH));
    1472                 :             :     }
    1473                 :             : 
    1474   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :     if (args.IsArgSet("-onlynet")) {
                   #  # ]
    1475         [ #  # ]:           0 :         g_reachable_nets.RemoveAll();
    1476   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :         for (const std::string& snet : args.GetArgs("-onlynet")) {
                   #  # ]
    1477         [ #  # ]:           0 :             enum Network net = ParseNetwork(snet);
    1478         [ #  # ]:           0 :             if (net == NET_UNROUTABLE)
    1479   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :                 return InitError(strprintf(_("Unknown network specified in -onlynet: '%s'"), snet));
                   #  # ]
    1480         [ #  # ]:           0 :             g_reachable_nets.Add(net);
    1481                 :           0 :         }
    1482                 :             :     }
    1483                 :             : 
    1484   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :     if (!args.IsArgSet("-cjdnsreachable")) {
                   #  # ]
    1485   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :         if (args.IsArgSet("-onlynet") && g_reachable_nets.Contains(NET_CJDNS)) {
          #  #  #  #  #  
                #  #  # ]
    1486         [ #  # ]:           0 :             return InitError(
    1487         [ #  # ]:           0 :                 _("Outbound connections restricted to CJDNS (-onlynet=cjdns) but "
    1488                 :             :                   "-cjdnsreachable is not provided"));
    1489                 :             :         }
    1490         [ #  # ]:           0 :         g_reachable_nets.Remove(NET_CJDNS);
    1491                 :             :     }
    1492                 :             :     // Now g_reachable_nets.Contains(NET_CJDNS) is true if:
    1493                 :             :     // 1. -cjdnsreachable is given and
    1494                 :             :     // 2.1. -onlynet is not given or
    1495                 :             :     // 2.2. -onlynet=cjdns is given
    1496                 :             : 
    1497                 :             :     // Requesting DNS seeds entails connecting to IPv4/IPv6, which -onlynet options may prohibit:
    1498                 :             :     // If -dnsseed=1 is explicitly specified, abort. If it's left unspecified by the user, we skip
    1499                 :             :     // the DNS seeds by adjusting -dnsseed in InitParameterInteraction.
    1500   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :     if (args.GetBoolArg("-dnsseed") == true && !g_reachable_nets.Contains(NET_IPV4) && !g_reachable_nets.Contains(NET_IPV6)) {
          #  #  #  #  #  
             #  #  #  #  
                      # ]
    1501   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :         return InitError(strprintf(_("Incompatible options: -dnsseed=1 was explicitly specified, but -onlynet forbids connections to IPv4/IPv6")));
                   #  # ]
    1502                 :           0 :     };
    1503                 :             : 
    1504                 :             :     // Check for host lookup allowed before parsing any network related parameters
    1505   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :     fNameLookup = args.GetBoolArg("-dns", DEFAULT_NAME_LOOKUP);
    1506                 :             : 
    1507         [ #  # ]:           0 :     Proxy onion_proxy;
    1508                 :             : 
    1509   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :     bool proxyRandomize = args.GetBoolArg("-proxyrandomize", DEFAULT_PROXYRANDOMIZE);
    1510                 :             :     // -proxy sets a proxy for all outgoing network traffic
    1511                 :             :     // -noproxy (or -proxy=0) as well as the empty string can be used to not set a proxy, this is the default
    1512   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :     std::string proxyArg = args.GetArg("-proxy", "");
                   #  # ]
    1513   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :     if (proxyArg != "" && proxyArg != "0") {
    1514         [ #  # ]:           0 :         Proxy addrProxy;
    1515   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :         if (IsUnixSocketPath(proxyArg)) {
    1516   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :             addrProxy = Proxy(proxyArg, proxyRandomize);
    1517                 :             :         } else {
    1518   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :             const std::optional<CService> proxyAddr{Lookup(proxyArg, 9050, fNameLookup)};
    1519         [ #  # ]:           0 :             if (!proxyAddr.has_value()) {
    1520   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :                 return InitError(strprintf(_("Invalid -proxy address or hostname: '%s'"), proxyArg));
                   #  # ]
    1521                 :             :             }
    1522                 :             : 
    1523                 :           0 :             addrProxy = Proxy(proxyAddr.value(), proxyRandomize);
    1524                 :           0 :         }
    1525                 :             : 
    1526   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :         if (!addrProxy.IsValid())
    1527   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :             return InitError(strprintf(_("Invalid -proxy address or hostname: '%s'"), proxyArg));
                   #  # ]
    1528                 :             : 
    1529         [ #  # ]:           0 :         SetProxy(NET_IPV4, addrProxy);
    1530         [ #  # ]:           0 :         SetProxy(NET_IPV6, addrProxy);
    1531         [ #  # ]:           0 :         SetProxy(NET_CJDNS, addrProxy);
    1532         [ #  # ]:           0 :         SetNameProxy(addrProxy);
    1533         [ #  # ]:           0 :         onion_proxy = addrProxy;
    1534                 :           0 :     }
    1535                 :             : 
    1536   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :     const bool onlynet_used_with_onion{args.IsArgSet("-onlynet") && g_reachable_nets.Contains(NET_ONION)};
          #  #  #  #  #  
                      # ]
    1537                 :             : 
    1538                 :             :     // -onion can be used to set only a proxy for .onion, or override normal proxy for .onion addresses
    1539                 :             :     // -noonion (or -onion=0) disables connecting to .onion entirely
    1540                 :             :     // An empty string is used to not override the onion proxy (in which case it defaults to -proxy set above, or none)
    1541   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :     std::string onionArg = args.GetArg("-onion", "");
                   #  # ]
    1542         [ #  # ]:           0 :     if (onionArg != "") {
    1543         [ #  # ]:           0 :         if (onionArg == "0") { // Handle -noonion/-onion=0
    1544         [ #  # ]:           0 :             onion_proxy = Proxy{};
    1545         [ #  # ]:           0 :             if (onlynet_used_with_onion) {
    1546         [ #  # ]:           0 :                 return InitError(
    1547         [ #  # ]:           0 :                     _("Outbound connections restricted to Tor (-onlynet=onion) but the proxy for "
    1548                 :             :                       "reaching the Tor network is explicitly forbidden: -onion=0"));
    1549                 :             :             }
    1550                 :             :         } else {
    1551   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :             if (IsUnixSocketPath(onionArg)) {
    1552   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :                 onion_proxy = Proxy(onionArg, proxyRandomize);
    1553                 :             :             } else {
    1554   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :                 const std::optional<CService> addr{Lookup(onionArg, 9050, fNameLookup)};
    1555   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :                 if (!addr.has_value() || !addr->IsValid()) {
                   #  # ]
    1556   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :                     return InitError(strprintf(_("Invalid -onion address or hostname: '%s'"), onionArg));
                   #  # ]
    1557                 :             :                 }
    1558                 :             : 
    1559         [ #  # ]:           0 :                 onion_proxy = Proxy(addr.value(), proxyRandomize);
    1560                 :           0 :             }
    1561                 :             :         }
    1562                 :             :     }
    1563                 :             : 
    1564   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :     if (onion_proxy.IsValid()) {
    1565         [ #  # ]:           0 :         SetProxy(NET_ONION, onion_proxy);
    1566                 :             :     } else {
    1567                 :             :         // If -listenonion is set, then we will (try to) connect to the Tor control port
    1568                 :             :         // later from the torcontrol thread and may retrieve the onion proxy from there.
    1569   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :         const bool listenonion_disabled{!args.GetBoolArg("-listenonion", DEFAULT_LISTEN_ONION)};
    1570         [ #  # ]:           0 :         if (onlynet_used_with_onion && listenonion_disabled) {
    1571         [ #  # ]:           0 :             return InitError(
    1572         [ #  # ]:           0 :                 _("Outbound connections restricted to Tor (-onlynet=onion) but the proxy for "
    1573                 :             :                   "reaching the Tor network is not provided: none of -proxy, -onion or "
    1574                 :             :                   "-listenonion is given"));
    1575                 :             :         }
    1576         [ #  # ]:           0 :         g_reachable_nets.Remove(NET_ONION);
    1577                 :             :     }
    1578                 :             : 
    1579   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :     for (const std::string& strAddr : args.GetArgs("-externalip")) {
                   #  # ]
    1580   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :         const std::optional<CService> addrLocal{Lookup(strAddr, GetListenPort(), fNameLookup)};
                   #  # ]
    1581   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :         if (addrLocal.has_value() && addrLocal->IsValid())
                   #  # ]
    1582   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :             AddLocal(addrLocal.value(), LOCAL_MANUAL);
    1583                 :             :         else
    1584   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :             return InitError(ResolveErrMsg("externalip", strAddr));
                   #  # ]
    1585                 :           0 :     }
    1586                 :             : 
    1587                 :             : #ifdef ENABLE_ZMQ
    1588                 :             :     g_zmq_notification_interface = CZMQNotificationInterface::Create(
    1589                 :             :         [&chainman = node.chainman](std::vector<uint8_t>& block, const CBlockIndex& index) {
    1590                 :             :             assert(chainman);
    1591                 :             :             return chainman->m_blockman.ReadRawBlockFromDisk(block, WITH_LOCK(cs_main, return index.GetBlockPos()));
    1592                 :             :         });
    1593                 :             : 
    1594                 :             :     if (g_zmq_notification_interface) {
    1595                 :             :         validation_signals.RegisterValidationInterface(g_zmq_notification_interface.get());
    1596                 :             :     }
    1597                 :             : #endif
    1598                 :             : 
    1599                 :             :     // ********************************************************* Step 7: load block chain
    1600                 :             : 
    1601   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :     node.notifications = std::make_unique<KernelNotifications>(Assert(node.shutdown_request), node.exit_status, *Assert(node.warnings));
                   #  # ]
    1602         [ #  # ]:           0 :     auto& kernel_notifications{*node.notifications};
    1603         [ #  # ]:           0 :     ReadNotificationArgs(args, kernel_notifications);
    1604                 :             : 
    1605                 :             :     // cache size calculations
    1606         [ #  # ]:           0 :     CacheSizes cache_sizes = CalculateCacheSizes(args, g_enabled_filter_types.size());
    1607                 :             : 
    1608         [ #  # ]:           0 :     LogPrintf("Cache configuration:\n");
    1609         [ #  # ]:           0 :     LogPrintf("* Using %.1f MiB for block index database\n", cache_sizes.block_tree_db * (1.0 / 1024 / 1024));
    1610   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :     if (args.GetBoolArg("-txindex", DEFAULT_TXINDEX)) {
                   #  # ]
    1611         [ #  # ]:           0 :         LogPrintf("* Using %.1f MiB for transaction index database\n", cache_sizes.tx_index * (1.0 / 1024 / 1024));
    1612                 :             :     }
    1613         [ #  # ]:           0 :     for (BlockFilterType filter_type : g_enabled_filter_types) {
    1614   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :         LogPrintf("* Using %.1f MiB for %s block filter index database\n",
    1615                 :             :                   cache_sizes.filter_index * (1.0 / 1024 / 1024), BlockFilterTypeName(filter_type));
    1616                 :             :     }
    1617         [ #  # ]:           0 :     LogPrintf("* Using %.1f MiB for chain state database\n", cache_sizes.coins_db * (1.0 / 1024 / 1024));
    1618                 :             : 
    1619         [ #  # ]:           0 :     assert(!node.mempool);
    1620         [ #  # ]:           0 :     assert(!node.chainman);
    1621                 :             : 
    1622   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :     bool do_reindex{args.GetBoolArg("-reindex", false)};
    1623   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :     const bool do_reindex_chainstate{args.GetBoolArg("-reindex-chainstate", false)};
    1624                 :             : 
    1625                 :             :     // Chainstate initialization and loading may be retried once with reindexing by GUI users
    1626         [ #  # ]:           0 :     auto [status, error] = InitAndLoadChainstate(
    1627                 :             :         node,
    1628                 :             :         do_reindex,
    1629                 :             :         do_reindex_chainstate,
    1630                 :             :         cache_sizes,
    1631         [ #  # ]:           0 :         args);
    1632   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :     if (status == ChainstateLoadStatus::FAILURE && !do_reindex && !ShutdownRequested(node)) {
             #  #  #  # ]
    1633                 :             :         // suggest a reindex
    1634         [ #  # ]:           0 :         bool do_retry = uiInterface.ThreadSafeQuestion(
    1635   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :             error + Untranslated(".\n\n") + _("Do you want to rebuild the databases now?"),
          #  #  #  #  #  
                #  #  # ]
    1636         [ #  # ]:           0 :             error.original + ".\nPlease restart with -reindex or -reindex-chainstate to recover.",
    1637                 :             :             "", CClientUIInterface::MSG_ERROR | CClientUIInterface::BTN_ABORT);
    1638         [ #  # ]:           0 :         if (!do_retry) {
    1639                 :             :             return false;
    1640                 :             :         }
    1641                 :           0 :         do_reindex = true;
    1642   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :         if (!Assert(node.shutdown_signal)->reset()) {
                   #  # ]
    1643         [ #  # ]:           0 :             LogError("Internal error: failed to reset shutdown signal.\n");
    1644                 :             :         }
    1645         [ #  # ]:           0 :         std::tie(status, error) = InitAndLoadChainstate(
    1646                 :             :             node,
    1647                 :             :             do_reindex,
    1648                 :             :             do_reindex_chainstate,
    1649                 :             :             cache_sizes,
    1650                 :           0 :             args);
    1651                 :             :     }
    1652   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :     if (status != ChainstateLoadStatus::SUCCESS && status != ChainstateLoadStatus::INTERRUPTED) {
    1653         [ #  # ]:           0 :         return InitError(error);
    1654                 :             :     }
    1655                 :             : 
    1656                 :             :     // As LoadBlockIndex can take several minutes, it's possible the user
    1657                 :             :     // requested to kill the GUI during the last operation. If so, exit.
    1658   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :     if (ShutdownRequested(node)) {
    1659         [ #  # ]:           0 :         LogPrintf("Shutdown requested. Exiting.\n");
    1660                 :             :         return false;
    1661                 :             :     }
    1662                 :             : 
    1663   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :     ChainstateManager& chainman = *Assert(node.chainman);
    1664                 :             : 
    1665         [ #  # ]:           0 :     assert(!node.peerman);
    1666                 :           0 :     node.peerman = PeerManager::make(*node.connman, *node.addrman,
    1667                 :             :                                      node.banman.get(), chainman,
    1668         [ #  # ]:           0 :                                      *node.mempool, *node.warnings,
    1669                 :           0 :                                      peerman_opts);
    1670         [ #  # ]:           0 :     validation_signals.RegisterValidationInterface(node.peerman.get());
    1671                 :             : 
    1672                 :             :     // ********************************************************* Step 8: start indexers
    1673                 :             : 
    1674   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :     if (args.GetBoolArg("-txindex", DEFAULT_TXINDEX)) {
                   #  # ]
    1675   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :         g_txindex = std::make_unique<TxIndex>(interfaces::MakeChain(node), cache_sizes.tx_index, false, do_reindex);
                   #  # ]
    1676         [ #  # ]:           0 :         node.indexes.emplace_back(g_txindex.get());
    1677                 :             :     }
    1678                 :             : 
    1679         [ #  # ]:           0 :     for (const auto& filter_type : g_enabled_filter_types) {
    1680         [ #  # ]:           0 :         InitBlockFilterIndex([&]{ return interfaces::MakeChain(node); }, filter_type, cache_sizes.filter_index, false, do_reindex);
    1681   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :         node.indexes.emplace_back(GetBlockFilterIndex(filter_type));
    1682                 :             :     }
    1683                 :             : 
    1684   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :     if (args.GetBoolArg("-coinstatsindex", DEFAULT_COINSTATSINDEX)) {
                   #  # ]
    1685   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :         g_coin_stats_index = std::make_unique<CoinStatsIndex>(interfaces::MakeChain(node), /*cache_size=*/0, false, do_reindex);
                   #  # ]
    1686         [ #  # ]:           0 :         node.indexes.emplace_back(g_coin_stats_index.get());
    1687                 :             :     }
    1688                 :             : 
    1689                 :             :     // Init indexes
    1690   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :     for (auto index : node.indexes) if (!index->Init()) return false;
                   #  # ]
    1691                 :             : 
    1692                 :             :     // ********************************************************* Step 9: load wallet
    1693         [ #  # ]:           0 :     for (const auto& client : node.chain_clients) {
    1694   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :         if (!client->load()) {
    1695                 :             :             return false;
    1696                 :             :         }
    1697                 :             :     }
    1698                 :             : 
    1699                 :             :     // ********************************************************* Step 10: data directory maintenance
    1700                 :             : 
    1701                 :             :     // if pruning, perform the initial blockstore prune
    1702                 :             :     // after any wallet rescanning has taken place.
    1703         [ #  # ]:           0 :     if (chainman.m_blockman.IsPruneMode()) {
    1704         [ #  # ]:           0 :         if (chainman.m_blockman.m_blockfiles_indexed) {
    1705         [ #  # ]:           0 :             LOCK(cs_main);
    1706   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :             for (Chainstate* chainstate : chainman.GetAll()) {
    1707   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :                 uiInterface.InitMessage(_("Pruning blockstore…").translated);
    1708         [ #  # ]:           0 :                 chainstate->PruneAndFlush();
    1709         [ #  # ]:           0 :             }
    1710                 :           0 :         }
    1711                 :             :     } else {
    1712                 :             :         // Prior to setting NODE_NETWORK, check if we can provide historical blocks.
    1713   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :         if (!WITH_LOCK(chainman.GetMutex(), return chainman.BackgroundSyncInProgress())) {
                   #  # ]
    1714         [ #  # ]:           0 :             LogPrintf("Setting NODE_NETWORK on non-prune mode\n");
    1715                 :           0 :             g_local_services = ServiceFlags(g_local_services | NODE_NETWORK);
    1716                 :             :         } else {
    1717         [ #  # ]:           0 :             LogPrintf("Running node in NODE_NETWORK_LIMITED mode until snapshot background sync completes\n");
    1718                 :             :         }
    1719                 :             :     }
    1720                 :             : 
    1721                 :             :     // ********************************************************* Step 11: import blocks
    1722                 :             : 
    1723   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :     if (!CheckDiskSpace(args.GetDataDirNet())) {
                   #  # ]
    1724   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :         InitError(strprintf(_("Error: Disk space is low for %s"), fs::quoted(fs::PathToString(args.GetDataDirNet()))));
          #  #  #  #  #  
                      # ]
    1725                 :           0 :         return false;
    1726                 :             :     }
    1727   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :     if (!CheckDiskSpace(args.GetBlocksDirPath())) {
                   #  # ]
    1728   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :         InitError(strprintf(_("Error: Disk space is low for %s"), fs::quoted(fs::PathToString(args.GetBlocksDirPath()))));
             #  #  #  # ]
    1729                 :           0 :         return false;
    1730                 :             :     }
    1731                 :             : 
    1732   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :     int chain_active_height = WITH_LOCK(cs_main, return chainman.ActiveChain().Height());
                   #  # ]
    1733                 :             : 
    1734                 :             :     // On first startup, warn on low block storage space
    1735   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :     if (!do_reindex && !do_reindex_chainstate && chain_active_height <= 1) {
                   #  # ]
    1736         [ #  # ]:           0 :         uint64_t assumed_chain_bytes{chainparams.AssumedBlockchainSize() * 1024 * 1024 * 1024};
    1737                 :           0 :         uint64_t additional_bytes_needed{
    1738         [ #  # ]:           0 :             chainman.m_blockman.IsPruneMode() ?
    1739         [ #  # ]:           0 :                 std::min(chainman.m_blockman.GetPruneTarget(), assumed_chain_bytes) :
    1740                 :           0 :                 assumed_chain_bytes};
    1741                 :             : 
    1742   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :         if (!CheckDiskSpace(args.GetBlocksDirPath(), additional_bytes_needed)) {
                   #  # ]
    1743   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :             InitWarning(strprintf(_(
             #  #  #  # ]
    1744                 :             :                     "Disk space for %s may not accommodate the block files. " \
    1745                 :             :                     "Approximately %u GB of data will be stored in this directory."
    1746                 :             :                 ),
    1747         [ #  # ]:           0 :                 fs::quoted(fs::PathToString(args.GetBlocksDirPath())),
    1748         [ #  # ]:           0 :                 chainparams.AssumedBlockchainSize()
    1749                 :             :             ));
    1750                 :             :         }
    1751                 :             :     }
    1752                 :             : 
    1753                 :             : #if HAVE_SYSTEM
    1754   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :     const std::string block_notify = args.GetArg("-blocknotify", "");
                   #  # ]
    1755         [ #  # ]:           0 :     if (!block_notify.empty()) {
    1756   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :         uiInterface.NotifyBlockTip_connect([block_notify](SynchronizationState sync_state, const CBlockIndex* pBlockIndex) {
          #  #  #  #  #  
                      # ]
    1757         [ #  # ]:           0 :             if (sync_state != SynchronizationState::POST_INIT || !pBlockIndex) return;
    1758                 :           0 :             std::string command = block_notify;
    1759   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :             ReplaceAll(command, "%s", pBlockIndex->GetBlockHash().GetHex());
                   #  # ]
    1760         [ #  # ]:           0 :             std::thread t(runCommand, command);
    1761         [ #  # ]:           0 :             t.detach(); // thread runs free
    1762                 :           0 :         });
    1763                 :             :     }
    1764                 :             : #endif
    1765                 :             : 
    1766                 :           0 :     std::vector<fs::path> vImportFiles;
    1767   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :     for (const std::string& strFile : args.GetArgs("-loadblock")) {
                   #  # ]
    1768         [ #  # ]:           0 :         vImportFiles.push_back(fs::PathFromString(strFile));
    1769                 :           0 :     }
    1770                 :             : 
    1771   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :     node.background_init_thread = std::thread(&util::TraceThread, "initload", [=, &chainman, &args, &node] {
                   #  # ]
    1772                 :           0 :         ScheduleBatchPriority();
    1773                 :             :         // Import blocks
    1774                 :           0 :         ImportBlocks(chainman, vImportFiles);
    1775   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :         if (args.GetBoolArg("-stopafterblockimport", DEFAULT_STOPAFTERBLOCKIMPORT)) {
    1776                 :           0 :             LogPrintf("Stopping after block import\n");
    1777         [ #  # ]:           0 :             if (!(Assert(node.shutdown_request))()) {
    1778                 :           0 :                 LogError("Failed to send shutdown signal after finishing block import\n");
    1779                 :             :             }
    1780                 :           0 :             return;
    1781                 :             :         }
    1782                 :             : 
    1783                 :             :         // Start indexes initial sync
    1784         [ #  # ]:           0 :         if (!StartIndexBackgroundSync(node)) {
    1785                 :           0 :             bilingual_str err_str = _("Failed to start indexes, shutting down..");
    1786         [ #  # ]:           0 :             chainman.GetNotifications().fatalError(err_str);
    1787                 :           0 :             return;
    1788                 :           0 :         }
    1789                 :             :         // Load mempool from disk
    1790         [ #  # ]:           0 :         if (auto* pool{chainman.ActiveChainstate().GetMempool()}) {
    1791   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :             LoadMempool(*pool, ShouldPersistMempool(args) ? MempoolPath(args) : fs::path{}, chainman.ActiveChainstate(), {});
             #  #  #  # ]
    1792                 :           0 :             pool->SetLoadTried(!chainman.m_interrupt);
    1793                 :             :         }
    1794   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :     });
    1795                 :             : 
    1796                 :             :     // Wait for genesis block to be processed
    1797   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :     if (WITH_LOCK(chainman.GetMutex(), return chainman.ActiveTip() == nullptr)) {
             #  #  #  # ]
    1798         [ #  # ]:           0 :         WAIT_LOCK(kernel_notifications.m_tip_block_mutex, lock);
    1799         [ #  # ]:           0 :         kernel_notifications.m_tip_block_cv.wait(lock, [&]() EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(kernel_notifications.m_tip_block_mutex) {
    1800   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :             return !kernel_notifications.m_tip_block.IsNull() || ShutdownRequested(node);
    1801                 :             :         });
    1802                 :           0 :     }
    1803                 :             : 
    1804   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :     if (ShutdownRequested(node)) {
    1805                 :             :         return false;
    1806                 :             :     }
    1807                 :             : 
    1808                 :             :     // ********************************************************* Step 12: start node
    1809                 :             : 
    1810                 :           0 :     int64_t best_block_time{};
    1811                 :           0 :     {
    1812         [ #  # ]:           0 :         LOCK(chainman.GetMutex());
    1813   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :         const auto& tip{*Assert(chainman.ActiveTip())};
    1814         [ #  # ]:           0 :         LogPrintf("block tree size = %u\n", chainman.BlockIndex().size());
    1815                 :           0 :         chain_active_height = tip.nHeight;
    1816         [ #  # ]:           0 :         best_block_time = tip.GetBlockTime();
    1817         [ #  # ]:           0 :         if (tip_info) {
    1818                 :           0 :             tip_info->block_height = chain_active_height;
    1819                 :           0 :             tip_info->block_time = best_block_time;
    1820         [ #  # ]:           0 :             tip_info->verification_progress = GuessVerificationProgress(chainman.GetParams().TxData(), &tip);
    1821                 :             :         }
    1822         [ #  # ]:           0 :         if (tip_info && chainman.m_best_header) {
    1823                 :           0 :             tip_info->header_height = chainman.m_best_header->nHeight;
    1824                 :           0 :             tip_info->header_time = chainman.m_best_header->GetBlockTime();
    1825                 :             :         }
    1826                 :           0 :     }
    1827         [ #  # ]:           0 :     LogPrintf("nBestHeight = %d\n", chain_active_height);
    1828   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :     if (node.peerman) node.peerman->SetBestBlock(chain_active_height, std::chrono::seconds{best_block_time});
    1829                 :             : 
    1830                 :             :     // Map ports with NAT-PMP
    1831   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :     StartMapPort(args.GetBoolArg("-natpmp", DEFAULT_NATPMP));
                   #  # ]
    1832                 :             : 
    1833                 :           0 :     CConnman::Options connOptions;
    1834                 :           0 :     connOptions.m_local_services = g_local_services;
    1835                 :           0 :     connOptions.m_max_automatic_connections = nMaxConnections;
    1836                 :           0 :     connOptions.uiInterface = &uiInterface;
    1837         [ #  # ]:           0 :     connOptions.m_banman = node.banman.get();
    1838         [ #  # ]:           0 :     connOptions.m_msgproc = node.peerman.get();
    1839   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :     connOptions.nSendBufferMaxSize = 1000 * args.GetIntArg("-maxsendbuffer", DEFAULT_MAXSENDBUFFER);
    1840   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :     connOptions.nReceiveFloodSize = 1000 * args.GetIntArg("-maxreceivebuffer", DEFAULT_MAXRECEIVEBUFFER);
    1841   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :     connOptions.m_added_nodes = args.GetArgs("-addnode");
    1842         [ #  # ]:           0 :     connOptions.nMaxOutboundLimit = *opt_max_upload;
    1843                 :           0 :     connOptions.m_peer_connect_timeout = peer_connect_timeout;
    1844   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :     connOptions.whitelist_forcerelay = args.GetBoolArg("-whitelistforcerelay", DEFAULT_WHITELISTFORCERELAY);
    1845   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :     connOptions.whitelist_relay = args.GetBoolArg("-whitelistrelay", DEFAULT_WHITELISTRELAY);
    1846                 :             : 
    1847                 :             :     // Port to bind to if `-bind=addr` is provided without a `:port` suffix.
    1848                 :           0 :     const uint16_t default_bind_port =
    1849   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :         static_cast<uint16_t>(args.GetIntArg("-port", Params().GetDefaultPort()));
                   #  # ]
    1850                 :             : 
    1851                 :           0 :     const auto BadPortWarning = [](const char* prefix, uint16_t port) {
    1852                 :           0 :         return strprintf(_("%s request to listen on port %u. This port is considered \"bad\" and "
    1853                 :             :                            "thus it is unlikely that any peer will connect to it. See "
    1854                 :             :                            "doc/ for details and a full list."),
    1855                 :             :                          prefix,
    1856         [ #  # ]:           0 :                          port);
    1857                 :             :     };
    1858                 :             : 
    1859   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :     for (const std::string& bind_arg : args.GetArgs("-bind")) {
                   #  # ]
    1860                 :           0 :         std::optional<CService> bind_addr;
    1861                 :           0 :         const size_t index = bind_arg.rfind('=');
    1862         [ #  # ]:           0 :         if (index == std::string::npos) {
    1863   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :             bind_addr = Lookup(bind_arg, default_bind_port, /*fAllowLookup=*/false);
    1864         [ #  # ]:           0 :             if (bind_addr.has_value()) {
    1865         [ #  # ]:           0 :                 connOptions.vBinds.push_back(bind_addr.value());
    1866   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :                 if (IsBadPort(bind_addr.value().GetPort())) {
             #  #  #  # ]
    1867   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :                     InitWarning(BadPortWarning("-bind", bind_addr.value().GetPort()));
             #  #  #  # ]
    1868                 :             :                 }
    1869                 :           0 :                 continue;
    1870                 :             :             }
    1871                 :             :         } else {
    1872         [ #  # ]:           0 :             const std::string network_type = bind_arg.substr(index + 1);
    1873         [ #  # ]:           0 :             if (network_type == "onion") {
    1874         [ #  # ]:           0 :                 const std::string truncated_bind_arg = bind_arg.substr(0, index);
    1875   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :                 bind_addr = Lookup(truncated_bind_arg, BaseParams().OnionServiceTargetPort(), false);
                   #  # ]
    1876         [ #  # ]:           0 :                 if (bind_addr.has_value()) {
    1877         [ #  # ]:           0 :                     connOptions.onion_binds.push_back(bind_addr.value());
    1878                 :           0 :                     continue;
    1879                 :             :                 }
    1880                 :           0 :             }
    1881                 :           0 :         }
    1882   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :         return InitError(ResolveErrMsg("bind", bind_arg));
                   #  # ]
    1883                 :           0 :     }
    1884                 :             : 
    1885   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :     for (const std::string& strBind : args.GetArgs("-whitebind")) {
                   #  # ]
    1886         [ #  # ]:           0 :         NetWhitebindPermissions whitebind;
    1887         [ #  # ]:           0 :         bilingual_str error;
    1888   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :         if (!NetWhitebindPermissions::TryParse(strBind, whitebind, error)) return InitError(error);
                   #  # ]
    1889         [ #  # ]:           0 :         connOptions.vWhiteBinds.push_back(whitebind);
    1890                 :           0 :     }
    1891                 :             : 
    1892                 :             :     // If the user did not specify -bind= or -whitebind= then we bind
    1893                 :             :     // on any address - (IPv4) and :: (IPv6).
    1894   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :     connOptions.bind_on_any = args.GetArgs("-bind").empty() && args.GetArgs("-whitebind").empty();
          #  #  #  #  #  
          #  #  #  #  #  
          #  #  #  #  #  
                      # ]
    1895                 :             : 
    1896                 :             :     // Emit a warning if a bad port is given to -port= but only if -bind and -whitebind are not
    1897                 :             :     // given, because if they are, then -port= is ignored.
    1898   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :     if (connOptions.bind_on_any && args.IsArgSet("-port")) {
          #  #  #  #  #  
                      # ]
    1899   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :         const uint16_t port_arg = args.GetIntArg("-port", 0);
    1900   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :         if (IsBadPort(port_arg)) {
    1901   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :             InitWarning(BadPortWarning("-port", port_arg));
    1902                 :             :         }
    1903                 :             :     }
    1904                 :             : 
    1905         [ #  # ]:           0 :     CService onion_service_target;
    1906         [ #  # ]:           0 :     if (!connOptions.onion_binds.empty()) {
    1907                 :           0 :         onion_service_target = connOptions.onion_binds.front();
    1908         [ #  # ]:           0 :     } else if (!connOptions.vBinds.empty()) {
    1909                 :           0 :         onion_service_target = connOptions.vBinds.front();
    1910                 :             :     } else {
    1911         [ #  # ]:           0 :         onion_service_target = DefaultOnionServiceTarget();
    1912         [ #  # ]:           0 :         connOptions.onion_binds.push_back(onion_service_target);
    1913                 :             :     }
    1914                 :             : 
    1915   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :     if (args.GetBoolArg("-listenonion", DEFAULT_LISTEN_ONION)) {
                   #  # ]
    1916         [ #  # ]:           0 :         if (connOptions.onion_binds.size() > 1) {
    1917   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :             InitWarning(strprintf(_("More than one onion bind address is provided. Using %s "
                   #  # ]
    1918                 :             :                                     "for the automatically created Tor onion service."),
    1919         [ #  # ]:           0 :                                   onion_service_target.ToStringAddrPort()));
    1920                 :             :         }
    1921         [ #  # ]:           0 :         StartTorControl(onion_service_target);
    1922                 :             :     }
    1923                 :             : 
    1924         [ #  # ]:           0 :     if (connOptions.bind_on_any) {
    1925                 :             :         // Only add all IP addresses of the machine if we would be listening on
    1926                 :             :         // any address - (IPv4) and :: (IPv6).
    1927         [ #  # ]:           0 :         Discover();
    1928                 :             :     }
    1929                 :             : 
    1930   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :     for (const auto& net : args.GetArgs("-whitelist")) {
                   #  # ]
    1931         [ #  # ]:           0 :         NetWhitelistPermissions subnet;
    1932                 :           0 :         ConnectionDirection connection_direction;
    1933         [ #  # ]:           0 :         bilingual_str error;
    1934   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :         if (!NetWhitelistPermissions::TryParse(net, subnet, connection_direction, error)) return InitError(error);
                   #  # ]
    1935         [ #  # ]:           0 :         if (connection_direction & ConnectionDirection::In) {
    1936         [ #  # ]:           0 :             connOptions.vWhitelistedRangeIncoming.push_back(subnet);
    1937                 :             :         }
    1938         [ #  # ]:           0 :         if (connection_direction & ConnectionDirection::Out) {
    1939         [ #  # ]:           0 :             connOptions.vWhitelistedRangeOutgoing.push_back(subnet);
    1940                 :             :         }
    1941                 :           0 :     }
    1942                 :             : 
    1943   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :     connOptions.vSeedNodes = args.GetArgs("-seednode");
    1944                 :             : 
    1945                 :             :     // Initiate outbound connections unless connect=0
    1946   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :     connOptions.m_use_addrman_outgoing = !args.IsArgSet("-connect");
    1947         [ #  # ]:           0 :     if (!connOptions.m_use_addrman_outgoing) {
    1948   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :         const auto connect = args.GetArgs("-connect");
    1949   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :         if (connect.size() != 1 || connect[0] != "0") {
    1950         [ #  # ]:           0 :             connOptions.m_specified_outgoing = connect;
    1951                 :             :         }
    1952   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :         if (!connOptions.m_specified_outgoing.empty() && !connOptions.vSeedNodes.empty()) {
    1953         [ #  # ]:           0 :             LogPrintf("-seednode is ignored when -connect is used\n");
    1954                 :             :         }
    1955                 :             : 
    1956   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :         if (args.IsArgSet("-dnsseed") && args.GetBoolArg("-dnsseed", DEFAULT_DNSSEED) && args.IsArgSet("-proxy")) {
          #  #  #  #  #  
          #  #  #  #  #  
          #  #  #  #  #  
          #  #  #  #  #  
                   #  # ]
    1957         [ #  # ]:           0 :             LogPrintf("-dnsseed is ignored when -connect is used and -proxy is specified\n");
    1958                 :             :         }
    1959                 :           0 :     }
    1960                 :             : 
    1961   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :     const std::string& i2psam_arg = args.GetArg("-i2psam", "");
                   #  # ]
    1962         [ #  # ]:           0 :     if (!i2psam_arg.empty()) {
    1963   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :         const std::optional<CService> addr{Lookup(i2psam_arg, 7656, fNameLookup)};
    1964   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :         if (!addr.has_value() || !addr->IsValid()) {
                   #  # ]
    1965   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :             return InitError(strprintf(_("Invalid -i2psam address or hostname: '%s'"), i2psam_arg));
                   #  # ]
    1966                 :             :         }
    1967   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :         SetProxy(NET_I2P, Proxy{addr.value()});
    1968                 :           0 :     } else {
    1969   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :         if (args.IsArgSet("-onlynet") && g_reachable_nets.Contains(NET_I2P)) {
          #  #  #  #  #  
                #  #  # ]
    1970         [ #  # ]:           0 :             return InitError(
    1971         [ #  # ]:           0 :                 _("Outbound connections restricted to i2p (-onlynet=i2p) but "
    1972                 :             :                   "-i2psam is not provided"));
    1973                 :             :         }
    1974         [ #  # ]:           0 :         g_reachable_nets.Remove(NET_I2P);
    1975                 :             :     }
    1976                 :             : 
    1977   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :     connOptions.m_i2p_accept_incoming = args.GetBoolArg("-i2pacceptincoming", DEFAULT_I2P_ACCEPT_INCOMING);
    1978                 :             : 
    1979   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :     if (!node.connman->Start(scheduler, connOptions)) {
    1980                 :             :         return false;
    1981                 :             :     }
    1982                 :             : 
    1983                 :             :     // ********************************************************* Step 13: finished
    1984                 :             : 
    1985                 :             :     // At this point, the RPC is "started", but still in warmup, which means it
    1986                 :             :     // cannot yet be called. Before we make it callable, we need to make sure
    1987                 :             :     // that the RPC's view of the best block is valid and consistent with
    1988                 :             :     // ChainstateManager's active tip.
    1989         [ #  # ]:           0 :     SetRPCWarmupFinished();
    1990                 :             : 
    1991   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :     uiInterface.InitMessage(_("Done loading").translated);
    1992                 :             : 
    1993         [ #  # ]:           0 :     for (const auto& client : node.chain_clients) {
    1994         [ #  # ]:           0 :         client->start(scheduler);
    1995                 :             :     }
    1996                 :             : 
    1997                 :           0 :     BanMan* banman = node.banman.get();
    1998         [ #  # ]:           0 :     scheduler.scheduleEvery([banman]{
    1999                 :           0 :         banman->DumpBanlist();
    2000                 :             :     }, DUMP_BANS_INTERVAL);
    2001                 :             : 
    2002   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :     if (node.peerman) node.peerman->StartScheduledTasks(scheduler);
    2003                 :             : 
    2004                 :             : #if HAVE_SYSTEM
    2005         [ #  # ]:           0 :     StartupNotify(args);
    2006                 :             : #endif
    2007                 :             : 
    2008                 :             :     return true;
    2009                 :           0 : }
    2010                 :             : 
    2011                 :           0 : bool StartIndexBackgroundSync(NodeContext& node)
    2012                 :             : {
    2013                 :             :     // Find the oldest block among all indexes.
    2014                 :             :     // This block is used to verify that we have the required blocks' data stored on disk,
    2015                 :             :     // starting from that point up to the current tip.
    2016                 :             :     // indexes_start_block='nullptr' means "start from height 0".
    2017                 :           0 :     std::optional<const CBlockIndex*> indexes_start_block;
    2018         [ #  # ]:           0 :     std::string older_index_name;
    2019   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :     ChainstateManager& chainman = *Assert(node.chainman);
    2020   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :     const Chainstate& chainstate = WITH_LOCK(::cs_main, return chainman.GetChainstateForIndexing());
                   #  # ]
    2021                 :           0 :     const CChain& index_chain = chainstate.m_chain;
    2022                 :             : 
    2023         [ #  # ]:           0 :     for (auto index : node.indexes) {
    2024         [ #  # ]:           0 :         const IndexSummary& summary = index->GetSummary();
    2025         [ #  # ]:           0 :         if (summary.synced) continue;
    2026                 :             : 
    2027                 :             :         // Get the last common block between the index best block and the active chain
    2028         [ #  # ]:           0 :         LOCK(::cs_main);
    2029         [ #  # ]:           0 :         const CBlockIndex* pindex = chainman.m_blockman.LookupBlockIndex(summary.best_block_hash);
    2030         [ #  # ]:           0 :         if (!index_chain.Contains(pindex)) {
    2031         [ #  # ]:           0 :             pindex = index_chain.FindFork(pindex);
    2032                 :             :         }
    2033                 :             : 
    2034   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :         if (!indexes_start_block || !pindex || pindex->nHeight < indexes_start_block.value()->nHeight) {
                   #  # ]
    2035         [ #  # ]:           0 :             indexes_start_block = pindex;
    2036         [ #  # ]:           0 :             older_index_name =;
    2037         [ #  # ]:           0 :             if (!pindex) break; // Starting from genesis so no need to look for earlier block.
    2038                 :             :         }
    2039                 :           0 :     };
    2040                 :             : 
    2041                 :             :     // Verify all blocks needed to sync to current tip are present.
    2042         [ #  # ]:           0 :     if (indexes_start_block) {
    2043         [ #  # ]:           0 :         LOCK(::cs_main);
    2044         [ #  # ]:           0 :         const CBlockIndex* start_block = *indexes_start_block;
    2045   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :         if (!start_block) start_block = chainman.ActiveChain().Genesis();
                   #  # ]
    2046   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :         if (!chainman.m_blockman.CheckBlockDataAvailability(*index_chain.Tip(), *Assert(start_block))) {
             #  #  #  # ]
    2047   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :             return InitError(Untranslated(strprintf("%s best block of the index goes beyond pruned data. Please disable the index or reindex (which will download the whole blockchain again)", older_index_name)));
             #  #  #  # ]
    2048                 :             :         }
    2049                 :           0 :     }
    2050                 :             : 
    2051                 :             :     // Start threads
    2052   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :     for (auto index : node.indexes) if (!index->StartBackgroundSync()) return false;
                   #  # ]
    2053                 :             :     return true;
    2054                 :           0 : }

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